Thursday, January 31, 2008

One Week Til Nashville

Wahoo. I get to go to Nashville in one week for a work conference. It's gonna be a good time. I'm not really sure what Nashville has to offer besides the Grand Old Opry, so I decided to google it. Let's learn together.

1. indoor gardens. Yippee skippy. Why would you put that first on a list of things to do? Maybe they're working up to the grand finale?
2. Full-scale replica of the Parthenon. I vote we take a trip to the real Parthenon instead.
3. Laser Quest. This does not bode well. We have one of those in beautiful, exotic, downtown Federal Way.
4. Country Music Hall of Fame. Of course.
5. Wave Country. It's a water park. I'm thinking no.
6. Nash Trash. A quality tour lead by the Jugg Sisters.
7. Christmas Village. Unfortunately in November. Which is too bad because I would totally go.
8. Athena Statue. Because who doesn't need to experience a 42 foot tall statue of a woman in a gold dress.
9. General Jackson Showboat. Oooh. A paddle wheeler. I want to go on that. It sounds very Mark Twain er something.

The list goes on to 40. But there's really not anything exciting. Surpringly Grand Old Opry is number 15. Would have thought they would have listed it at least before Nash Trash.

More importantly, I've googled food and Nashville, to see what the fine dining choices are, in case I happen to scale the wall and temporarily escape the conference. I've found several that sound fun. Elliston Place Soda Shop sounds like good times. Anything that is being described using Happy Days as a reference has got potential. I wonder if they'd let me do The Fonz in there? I'm also sold on Bobby's Dairy Dip. They're known for their fries. Also there is icecream. Hopefully that includes shake. I miss a good shake. Provo had lots of shake places. Seattle does not seem to be overflowing with places that do Real Shakes.

Now I want a shake. I think we own a blender. Shoot. We don't have icecream. Except the really old peppermint stuff that I should not have bought because it is off brand and totally unsatisfying.

My sister recommended San Antonio Taco Company. Fortunately according to the web search she did, it's right across the street from where I'll be. So I might actually get to try it out. Stay tuned for reviews here.

I've added a bookstore to the must-see which I probably won't see list. It's called Elders, and they have a sign posted that says , “Noisy children will be pressed between the pages of large, heavy books.” Books and snarky signs. Can't beat that combo. Unless you were to add chocolate. Or shakes. Or chocolate shakes, even.

What do to with all this Energy

All the sudden I can breath again, and think again, and I only want to sleep 14 hours a day instead of 20. I'm feeling quite energized. My cough has calmed down and is now a mere annoying tickle in my throat that is occasionally annoying but only wakes me briefly during the night now, as opposed to keeping me up all night coughing like a dying person. So what should I do with all this energy? I've decided to come up with a list. Because lists are fun.

1. Clean room. Again.
2. Read the 5 library books and 20 books I own that I'm supposed to be working on finishing.
3. Go to Hawaii. Because I hear it's warm there. Also they have fruity drinks.
4. Cook things. Real food, not from boxes. Healthy food. That tastes good. Which leads me to number 5....
5. Shop for food. Which leads me to number 6....
6. Find recipes so I know what to buy, instead of wandering around the grocery store hoping the appropriate foods will hop in my cart that will miraculously later combine to make wonderful dinners.
7. Watch more Law and Order. Because I'm only half way through season 4. Yup, I spent that much time in my bed while I was sick.
8. Shop for new friends. Because you are all sleeping right now, and I am bored. What is up with that? Also most of you who I am thinking of right now will not read this, so I can talk smack and you will never know.
9. Learn to knit.
10. Kick the Red-Headed Boy's butt bowling (but that's a given)
11. Write the great novel of the 21st century.
12. Make brownies. Because I am still craving them. And still thinking about making them. But still haven't.
13. Eat the yummy banana bread on my counter that W made for me, which is currently calling my name (seriously, like the loaf of bread on sesame street that talks.)
14. Re-watch all the new Masterpiece Theatre Jane Austen movies.

So really, with all this energy I'm going to do actual stuff, instead of laying all pathetic-like in my bed thinking about how sick I am. I can be a hypochonriac later. Today I think I'll do stuff.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Mmmm... Camp Fire candy

How can you say no to this:
Isn't she adorable?

And she's quite the little sales person.

Okay, okay, so she's three years older now. But she's still cute. And she sold an amazing amount of candy. I'm not saying how much. It's a secret. But if you want to help her make her goal I'm can totally hook you up with some Camp Fire candy.

The Ultimate Car Song

I have had this moment. Not the part where they called onstar, but the one after that. Because this is the best song to sing at the top of your lungs in the car. It's true. You should try it.

Our Beloved President Hinckley

President Hinckley died yesterday. For those of you who don't know who he is, he was the 15th President of my church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He was the prophet, and as such could receive revelation for the church, and also lead us. He was 97 years old, and he has been the prophet since I was 17. He was the prophet when I attended BYU, and I saw him speak live quite a few times while at school. I loved him for his sense of humor and the immense spirit he carried with him. It filled the arena I heard him speak in. To see him speaking, you can go here to watch and click on the video option for the last talk in the Sunday Morning session.

Friday, January 25, 2008

My Husband Michael

I was going to marry him. And he is no Michael Knight. But I'm still excited. Because it's a shadowy flight into the dangerous world of a man who does not exist.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Where has all the cheese gone?

Remember this magical slow dance song from the good old junior high days? Sigh... Dancing with the dreamy guy with the skater cut? I heard this in the grocery store the other day and it took me back. Of course, the lyrics to me have always sounded like some skeezy guy wrote it to try to a girl into... well, something. Because, hello? "What would you do if my heart was torn in two? More than words to show you feel That your love for me is real." Although it does just make a girl want to drop her basket full of microwavable soup and slow dance... if there were someone not skeezy standing nearby.

(I got a "helloooo" from a guy selling newspapers on the way into the grocery store today. Which on the one hand was flattering, because he wasn't too skeezy for a salesman, but also made me question his sanity because I have a cold and feel like a big crusty piece of snot right now. And I swear I look like one too.)

This one on the other hand had my convinced that he would fight for me, yeah, he'd lie for me, walk the wild for me, yeah he'd DIE for me (or ask me to slow dance in the church gym, which is also hot). THAT was romance.

But this one is the best. Because it's about red. And because he has a feeling of complete and utter love. Red does that to him.

Do they even write slow dance songs like this anymore? Kids today don't know what they're missing out on.

Also this was going to be my wedding song. The talking part in the middle was the piece de resistance. My heart hurts, baby, I feel pain too.

Monday, January 21, 2008


My sinus on the right side of my face feels like it's going to burst out of my head. Make it stop.

Friday, January 18, 2008

What I Learned from Playing Pacman

When I play Pacman I never do well. Sometimes I get to the third screen. Sometimes. But I had an epiphany tonight. I always lose early and fast because I'm too busy looking at me and trying to get stuff, and I never see the ghosts coming until it's too late. Perhaps, I thought to myself, this is symbolic of life. We've got to focus on what's going on around us more and less on what we can get.

Or it could just be a sign that I don't pay attention. In junior high school there was this guy, Dave, who would "sneak" up on me at the same place in the hallways between the same two classes, and grab me around the waste from behind and tickle me and make me scream. This was a daily ritual. I never saw it coming. I never saw him until then.

Then in college, apparently it was common for me to be walking across campus, and I would pass right by roommates or friends, and they were yelling my name and waving as they passed right by me, and I didn't hear them. Because I was in the zone. I was very focused on getting to class.

Or it could just mean that I'm craving more fruit in my diet. You know, cherries and oranges and strawberries. There may be another fruit involved in the game somewhere but I never get past the third screen so I don't know what it is.

Or it could just be a sign I suck at computer games, or video games of any sort, really.

What I DO know for sure about Pacman, is that you gotta make sure to turn the volume down before you start the game. Especially when you're hanging out with your roommate, making some intelligent-sounding statement about the political climate. Because if you're interupted by the blast of the Pacman theme song, you may never live it down.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Go On, Tell Me Where To Go

I love that people are too polite (or perhaps bewildered) to say, um, who is that random man you posted on your blog? Since none of you asked, I won't tell you. Because I'm assuming you all know.

On this other blog I read she posted every place she had stayed overnight in the year 2007 and where she thought she would stay in 2008. So I started thinking about where I stayed in 2007 and it's a very sad, short list:

San Antonio, TX
Portland, OR

And 2008 is not looking much better:
Nashville, TN

I'm so broke I don't know if I can do any more traveling this year. I really should get on that. Where should I go?

Monday, January 14, 2008

Sunday, January 13, 2008

10 Sure Signs I'm Feeling Better

1. I can speak .
2. My throat no longer feels like it is going to completely close up or explode, and turning my head doesn't make me whimper like a little girl from disturbing my throat (that's right, poor, poor me!) .
3. I have moved from lying in my bed where I watched the entire second season of Law and Order: SVU on netflix online to lying in the bean bag downstairs in front of the tv watching the newest adaptation of Jane Austen's Persuasion (siiiiiigh Captain Wentworth).
4. I'm bored. (or was before Persuasion started...)
5. I'm craving brownies and seriously contemplating getting up and making brownies. Mind you, I have been contemplating this for about 4 hours now. But I'm getting close. I can feel it.
6. I took the time to make dinner. Mmmm, spaghetti .
7. No ginormous sinus headache.
8. I have found the strength to blog. It's very taxing.
9. I did not immediately fall asleep on my wet hair today after my shower and it's sitting down nice and lady-like instead of standing up and waving hello.
10. I can breathe through my nose, and I"ve only gone through 3 or 4 kleenex in the last hour.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

My Head is all Fuzzy

Today so far I have slept, eaten cereal, slept, and watched Project Runway. I have come to the conclusion that Wendy should have gotten booted out much sooner in season 1. I'm betting the only reason she made it so far is because the producers wouldn't let them oust her since she provided the drama. Way too much drama. Although her final collection is not looking as bad as I thought it would. Except, whoa, what's up with the completely sheer top with no bra? Some day her daughter sitting in the front row with her little stuffed kitty can wear that one.

Also KP is home. That is the bright spot in my day of trying not to cough up a lung.

Yesterday I received the advice that I should come home and go to bed early instead of playing with my shiney new computer toy. So I didn't play wiht my computer last night. I mostly just sat in my comfey chair and thought about the things that I had wanted to get done last night that I didn't have the energy to do. Then I came upstairs and coughed a lot. And then I tossed, and I turned, and didn't fall asleep until 4 in the morning. Not really getting a lot of sleep in last night. I don't know what my deal was. Sleeping is generally something I do not struggle to make happen. But last night I was WIDE awake, no matter what I tried. Don't worry, I made up for it today.

Now I'm wide awake and waiting for K to bring me my dinner. Because she's cool like that and stopping at Applebee's to get me some curbside to go.

I've been trying to to think of something deep and profound to type but I had a hard time telling K a non-story over dinner so I don't think it's going to happen. I'm very fuzzy tonight.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Take Your Germs Back

Hey, you. Yeah, you right there. I didn't want these germs you gave me. Yeah, you know I'm talking to you. Take them back.

I've got this cough going on that sounds like I've been nursing it for weeks. It just started last night. And now I've got a sore throat thing from all the coughing. And it's your fault.

Today I was observing some kids for work and one of them kept picking her nose and then eating her boogers. She wasn't sneaky about it at all. I haven't seen a kid do that since, well, since I was a kid. I thought that most of them hid that behavior from adults. I couldn't have been the only adult who noticed. If I'd known her I would have told her to stop. No one in the room did. Seriously, someone give that kid a snack. Or at least a kleenex.

Oh, and I'm bored. I've watched like 4 hours of tv in a row because there was no one here to entertain me. What's up with that? But before I got home from work and plopped down in my comfey chair, I spent a considerable amount of time trying to figure out WHERE ON EARTH I PUT MY CELL PHONE. It turned out to be laying in the parking lot where I dropped it while loading my car after my meeting (not the meeting with the nose-picker but the one after that--if there were nosepickers there they were adults and much more sly about it). Thank goodness for answers to prayers or it would still be lying in the parking lot, possibly shorted out (it was soaking when I found it but the cover seems to have taken the brunt of it).

So tell me, why do I keep losing things? I think it is either that a) I carry too much stuff with me and can't keep track of things, b) I don't use appropriate stuff carriers so things don't have a place and easily get lost, or c) I'm a big, incurable airhead. I prefer to think it's either a or b. B would be fun because it gives me an exuse to go shopping.

Monday, January 7, 2008

All By Myseeeeelf

K moved out. I have this whole week till KP is back. It's quiet. And cold. And I'm bored. And it's almost midnight and I have not yet made myself dinner.

I'm so bored I just looked up my yearly horoscope. It was a website in a commercial on tv in the middle of Medium, one of the few shows that is not on repeat right now due to the blasted writers strike. I have confirmed that horoscopes are stupid. Because this one told me I have a natural talent for attracting money all year round. Um, and what year will that start in? This one? January's a-wasting.

I just looked up my love horoscope for tomorrow, though, and I think they have something here. It says I have no problem creating chaos, and that right now my life couldn't be more disorganized. Okay, it's not that disorganized. But it feels that disorganized. Not really seeing how that ties in with love, but let's see what it says next.... Ah. It says to take baby steps: sort through the mail and then clean the bathrooms. Totally seeing how this ties into love. AH. Now it's clear. Because, wise horoscope tells me, once I'm free of emotional havoc, I'll be free to pursue romance. See, I knew there was a reason I needed to clean all the soap scum out of my shower. If only I am free of soap scum, I will find myself a man. AT LAST I have found the solution. It's all so clear to me now.

On another topic, apparently 9 New Year's Resolutions is a lot. I actually have ten. I forgot to put that I need to have a budget and stick to it. Plus I think I thought of an eleventh one but I can't remember what it was. I mentioned today when I was at lunch with some coworkers that I had nine New Year's Resolutions. Apparently they think nine is a lot considering they all laughed and looked at me like I'm crazy. What can I say, I like lists. And they are all good goals. And things that I've been working on anyways. And people who laugh at my nine (now ten) resolutions are just bringing me down. Haters.

Friday, January 4, 2008


I just shopped for groceries and made dinner and dessert with a nine year-old. When we were at the grocery store it was "I LOVE white chocolate," and "I LOVE green peppers." There was a lady behind us in the store that was cracking up at all the cute little things she was saying so enthusiastically.

Then we got home and she wanted to cut up EVERYTHING. I don't think I've ever seen a kid more excited about food and cooking. It was quite cute. I meant to take a picture of her with her completed masterpiece, but I didn't. I guess there's always next time.

The wind is blowing very hard right now. It literally just blew my front door open. According to Komo and, the gusts of winds are up to 32mph.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Just Give Up Now

So my gym has been dead the whole month of December. Now there are a bunch of chubby middle age people. Which, yeah, they're totally my people. There were not very many muscled tan boys strutting around checking each other out like they wanted to date each other. And I didn't experience the simultaneous head turn of every guy in the weights section as I went up the stairs to the tread mills. Probably because the men there tonight were trying not to sprain something. I think I saw a few limps, though, so some of them did not succeed. I, on the other hand, channelled the rage of all the stupid boys wandering around by the treadmills NOT exercising, watching the little boys play basket ball through the window above the basketball gym, watching ESPN, and probably also noting that I got much back, and that it jiggles. As a result, I had a very good run. The rage flowed.

My coworker was telling me today that they say that many of those resolutionaholics are actually coming to the gym on special six week contracts they got for Christmas. So by mid-february they should all be gone. Then it will be back to the regular crowd of strutters, the girls who "work out" with them, and a few of us chubby people. Home, sweet home.