Monday, November 29, 2010

In An Effort to Be Less Cranky

I am cranky. Not as cranky as I was earlier, but I can still feel myself festering. So I am taking Dizzle's advice and thinking about things that I am grateful for. She actually suggested a gratitude journal, which I might do, but for right now, because I don't feel like getting up off the couch, I'm going with gratitude blogging. Plus I think you need to do a gratitude journal too. See, look at me not limiting my gratefulness to the month of November!

I am grateful for...

1. Cute nieces and nephews! I was shown love in the form of stickers, tackles, hugs, fist bumps, and smiles on Thanksgiving. Too cute.
2. My cute apartment. I'm mostly unpacked. It now just qualifies as a mess. I even have pictures on the walls, thanks to Alice and children!
3. A job I love, even if I did want to squish a couple of people today. They were trying to help me, so I should not have wanted to squish them. Fortunately there was no ACTUAL squishage. And they didn't squish me, even in all my crankiness.
4. All the new things I have learned from my job. I'm a much healthier and smarter person for it.
5. Amazing friends. I heart you guys! My life would suck without you. Call me and I will sing to you about it.
6. Youtube. Where, when I have a sudden yearning for Air Supply, I can just type in "I'm All out of Love," and, voila! Hours of sing-along fun!
7. My new boots that SusieQ got me for my birthday. :) Thanks!
8. Living in Washington. Especially for living in the Seattle area. Purtiest place I've ever seen!
9. Books. I love reading them. Also, I like the smell of a library book. And I love having lots of them around me.
10. My laptop. I can talk to my friends, stalk people on MyFace, blog, compose a lovely Christmas letter, listen to music, and watch TV shows. All in one nifty device. I want to marry it.

I think ten is enough for one night. I'm going to write more specific things on a list that you don't get to see. So neener.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Don't Make Me Call You Dirk.

Since the dawn of time, people have been arguing on MyFace about when it is acceptable to think about Christmas. Some say we must first recognize and celebrate Thanksgiving. To those people, I say, really???? We need to take the month of November to be thankful, and think about food, and football?? Is that the rule? Here all this time I thought we could also incorporate thankfulness into Christmas, what with the whole Birth of Christ celebration and family time. And in what way does Christmas music distract us from the feeling of gratitude and 12th man-ness that November brings? How is this a conflict? And why must you harsh on my mellow when I say I'm feeling good from hearing me some Christmas tunes? I did not make you listen to them. Why you got to be a Christmas hater?

I had a friend who posted as her status how she was enjoying some Christmas music-listening. To which she got comments like, "yay!" and "me too!" And then some putz had to say "vomit." Um, excuse me, determined-to-be-perpetually-single-and-alone-in-your-obnoxiousness. Have we forgotten our manners? If someone puts that they are excited to go see their favorite band play, do you put "vomit?" Well, maybe you do, because you're rude, but that's called bad manners. Why do you have to be all negative when someone shares something that makes them happy. I'm not forcing you to turn to the Christmas station. I'm willing to bet said station is not your regular station (at least in the Seattle area). I'm never going to let you in my car because you are rude and clearly need more time walking to think about how you have behaved. So why must you be Dirk Downer?

Up next on the Things People Spend Pointless Time Debating on MyFace: Snow--do we want it to come or not? Um... People... it's gonna come or not come regardless of how rude you are to your Friends. Just saying.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

That Clears it All Up...

I'm confused. Anyone else confused by this? Ummm... so, the whole prostitution thing, still bad, right? But said prostitutes don't have to worry about immorally wearing condoms? Because they were worried?

Thursday, November 11, 2010


Sitting in my office today I could hear some of our clients in a room far off singing along with a song someone was playing.
When I see your face,
There's not a thing that I would change.
Cause you're amazing,
Just the way you are.
Ah, Bruno. You know how to sweet talk a girl.

Seriously, though. The voices I was hearing so clearly were singing full-out, with feeling. Because those words are powerful. And what those women long to hear. Many of these women have been manipulated and abused by people they identified as loved ones. So many people tell them, in word as well as the way they treat them, that they are broken, or not good enough. How many people tell them they are amazing just the way they are? And how many people tell them they are amazing without an agenda.

It just reminded me. We need to spend less time trying to change each other, because that's not our job, and more time reaching out with love, recognizing the beautiful spirits, and encouraging each other to nurture that beauty and let it grow. Think of someone in your life who makes you feel amazing, flaws and all. They see your inner light. And start being that person that sees the inner light more.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Someday My Food Will Cook.

So, you know that thing about cooking more in my new place? Yeah. Turns out that you have to put stuff away before that becomes possible. Unfortunately, I have been so tired/sick (he he, sick and tired) that I have not quite gotten to wiping down the rest of the shelves in my kitchen, lining them with shelf liner, and deciding where to keep things. And then there's now, where I can mostly breathe again, at least for the moment, but I still don't feel like peeling my butt off the couch and working towards finishing unpacking.

On the flip side, aiding me in my procrastination efforts has been Mockingjay, which is part of the Hunger Games series, which I totally recommend, btw. So I've been reading more. Yay me! Of course, it's a library book, so all those other books I have had in stacks forever are still... well, not in stacks, but on my new special Read Me shelf, because I could fill a whole shelf with just SOME of the books I own that I have not read. I should get on that.

Also, I have decorated my place with my own stuff. Currently it looks more like my place puked pottery, because I haven't really distributed things, they're all just kind of huddled on certain shelves, but we're getting there.

I technically know two neighbors now. Yay. And check.

And I have walked... nowhere. Because it is dark. And the weather sucks. And I was dying from a cold all weekend. So... there's always next weekend?

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

My Birthday and What You Should Buy Me

My birthday is less than a month away. I'm just saying. Here are a few practical gifts that you might consider picking up for me. I'm a helper.

1. A vacation home. For when I want to escape from the city. All I ask is that it have nice fireplaces, stellar lighting, insulation that keeps the heat in or the cool or whatever I want, a great TV with Satellite and lots of movies to watch, many acres around it, possibly a horse, at least one river... oh, and it should be in high altitude for some nice snowy winters and beautiful blue-skied summer days. Also a really comfy bed with feathers and stuff. And a very unobtrusive maid to clean things so I don't have to.

2. A new fridge with a good ice maker in it for my apartment. Also a new oven.

3. A microwave. My apartment didn't come with one. Lame.

4. A vacation to Europe. For a month. Or so.

5. Clean my kitchen and unpack it for me. Strangely sitting on my couch coughing up a lung and blogging has not moved me closer to my goal of being entirely unpacked and settled. Go figure.

6. New curtains for my apartment. I don't understand why the ones that came with it are here. They are gross. I need to find out if my landlord is attached to them. If so, he can store them. Gross. Gross. Gross.

7. Ooh, ooh, a kiln and a wheel and clay and stuff for my vacation home. So I can make lots and lots of pottery.

8. Time to catch up at work. Because it may never happen. Blargh.

9. A bookstore. I really should own one.

10. Chocolate. I really want some chocolate right now.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Is it Weird that I Really, Really Like...

Taylor Swift. No joke. I mean, it's not just that she has cool videos that involve castles and pretty dresses. Which she totally does. But she also wrote a song to Kanye expressing her forgiveness. And I really, really like the song. Don't judge. You know you're a closet Taylor fan too. I like her message. "Today is never too late to be brand new."

Also she has pretty eyes.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

What the Future Holds

I read my horoscope today, and it was totally lame. It said something about making decisions thoughtfully or something. So, since my horoscope was no help, I'm going to consult the online magic eight ball.

Question: Should I hang my little shelves on the wall behind my couch?
Answer: Yes.

Question: Are you sure? Because I also think they would go well in my bed room.
Answer: Definitely.

Question: Wait, so definitely I should hang them over the couch?
Answer: Yes.

Question: Wow! Are you always this consistent?
Answer: Maybe.

Question: Okay. Now that I have the shelves situated, tell me, do I have a cold? My head hurts.
Answer: My sources say no.

Question: Really? Because I'm about to rip my sinuses out of my head. Also my ear canals. You really don't think I have a cold?
Answer: My sources say no.

Question: Wow, your sources are kind of wacky. Can I take some cold meds anyways, before I am tempted to knock myself unconscious?
Answer: My sources say no.

Question: Um, do you know what you can do with your sources?
Answer: No way!

Question: Seriously? I have to explain it?
Answer: Absolutely!

Question: Can I do it after I go take my cold meds?
Answer: Ask again later.

Question: That's a little passive-aggressive, don't you think?
Answer: My sources say no.

Question: Again with the sources???
Answer: No way!

Question: Okay, whatever. I have a cold. Should I go to work tomorrow?
Answer: No way!

Welp. That's decided then.