Monday, September 3, 2012

Deep Thoughts?

You know those little meme quote picture things are really popular on myface and pinterest and just everywhere right now... and I've had some really good quotes come my way that make me think, I should totally remember this. And then I pin it. And then I forget it. But, man, it was deep. Today I came across a few that just made me... confused.

1. you can shake the sand from your shoes but not from your soul. (Especially the crevices of your soul. Man, I hate when I get sand stuck there)

2. The most powerful weapon on earth is the human soul on fire. (This sounds painful. Also like a book I read... about the seven rings of hell)

I'm going to make up deep quotes and post them on pinterest, and see how far they go. I feel this is my opportunity for fame. But then, they may just end up getting attributed to Marilyn Monroe.