Saturday, January 22, 2011

Things People Waste Time On that I can Waste Time Blogging About

Um. I am a little disturbed. I noticed this song on youtube:

I would like to note that the chick busting up and screaming must know this guy? Because, um... it's not THAT funny. Or very funny. Cute, I suppose, enhanced by the fact that it's being sung by a cute boy. Possibly commentary on MyFace. And hey, maybe the buildup is what got her there. But, wow. Dude is not THAT funny. But, as I suspected, he is a little Mormon boy (he had that glow, didn't even have to look for the secret handshake or the horns we try to keep hidden), so that explains the good clean fun involving a singing/talent show kinda feel. I'm guessing ward talent show? Bless his heart. He clearly got the chick, so all was not in vain.

And after watching that sad little ditty, I saw that the little suggestion strip was FILLED with videos about MyFace. Wow.(note, I didn't watch this whole thing. There could be disturbing images. I make no promises):

So I clicked on it, because, you know. It could be funny. Only it's not. But it lead me to this world of Facebook songs.

Really. I am not joking.

And I thought Farmville was a silly waste of time. Oh, no. When we're not on MyFace, apparently we are composing songs and posting them. Probably on our walls. And to illustrate this waste of time, I wasted my time and watched a bunch of different videos. So there. I showed... someone....

This one looked promising, because, hey, it shows a guy with a goofy looking beard in his profile picture. Surely hilarity will ensue.

And I am happy to report that there was a recorder involved. Success. I see the point of this one. There is a recorder. What more do I need?

Also, this one was just begging to be examined. It's a RAP, yo.

Aaaand that is 1:52 I can't get back. Oops. You would think I would learn not to get sucked into the youtube madness. But, no. I never learn.

But I will leave you with this very instructional video which I feel makes up for all the bad, sad, MyFace songs and raps out there.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Happy Birthday, Dr. King

A great orator and a great leader.

This was his last speech. The more I learn about Martin Luther King the more amazing he is to me . I like how he devoted his life to being the best person that he could be, and using his gifts to do the most that he could do. He said things that indicted he anticipated being assassinated. He knew the kind of position he was putting himself in as a civil rights leader. He felt that he had a calling, and he accepted that place of leadership, knowing the violence that was aimed towards those who spoke out. And he spoke so eloquently. He was a big part of the movement towards social equality. I am so glad I live in a country that no longer practices legalized segregation. People should not be treated the way they were treated then.

Watching the news report below, it makes me wonder how it would have felt to watch it then, versus now when it just feels historical. The older I get, the more real history gets to me. Having watched the reports on Columbine as a stunned college student, and listening all day to radio reports on September 11th in shock and disbelief, tragedies in history look different to me. Everything is "normal" until something happens that is so huge it literally changes society. And then normal begins to be defined slightly differently. It's horrible to think that someone could be so hateful that they would kill someone espousing messages of love, peace, and equality, because they were afraid of those ideas. There were (and I suppose, are) people who felt justified in believing that Martin Luther King, and the Civil Rights movement, was wrong and dangerous. People were so afraid of the thought of treating people equally that they resorted to murder. But, fortunately, Dr King had made his mark, and his message lived after he died. When will people learn that killing someone does not mean you silence them. I'm glad there were sane people in the country who didn't allow the movement to be stifled.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

This Question Needs to be Asked

WHY would there not be significant studies on how to make menstrual cramps go away? Seriously. This is a serious issue. Are scientists so sexist? Or is it the funders. Because, seriously, take an anti-inflammatory and get some rest is not helpful.

I feel like I should apologize to my male friends who read my blog, but then... they have not commented in eons so I'm assuming they got distracted by something shiny and no longer check their google reader or whatever, at least not for anything but the SomethingShiny blog they subscribe to. Also, why do they get to have an aversion to the topic? They don't even suffer actual pain over menstrual issues. And, no, buying tampons for your wife at the grocery store does not count.

So, seriously. I have checked a few of the more reputable online medical sources, and also wikepedia, and they both say there are not conclusive studies done on anything, really. I AM TELLING YOU, SCIENTISTS, FOR THE GOOD OF ALL MANKIND, FIND SOME ANSWERS. Because menstrual cramps equals cranky woman. And lots of cranky women equals lots of unhappy households and workplaces. I'm just saying. It's for your own health. Tell us how to make the pain stop.

And so help me, if you tell me to exercise through the pain, I'm going to have to hurt you. Because that is a lie propagated by stupid men and also women who don't get real cramps.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


I don't usually talk about politics. I know I kind of dance on the line sometimes what with my little rants about social issues and whatnot. Some of those opinions probably correlate with party platforms or something. So maybe this is not a shock to you. And it probably would not be a shock to my dad. But still, don't tell him.

I think I might be a little bit liberal.

I know, right?

How do I know this? Because I have Friends on MyFace who, although they are lovely people, post somewhat moronic things, like how Obama should "give people my work ethic, not my money." Now, I'm not saying there are some lazy people out there. There are totally lazy people. But, um, there are a LOT of people out there who are unemployed. People with little ones and problems you cannot imagine. I hear about these things because of parts of my job. And these people are working their butts off to keep their kids housed and fed. Christmas was sparse for these people this year. And that might be how Christmas regularly is. And it's not because they are lazy and "milking the system." They are doing their best to survive. And, from what I have seen, this describes the majority of people receiving assistance. If you want to see steam come out of my ears, explain to me why I am wrong, given what you saw on the news that one time for a second before the story about that star who went to rehab. People who are far away from the issue can very easily pass judgement. Also, many lazy people are employed. I can attest to this. Let's start by firing them and giving their jobs to someone who does not want to make our days crappy.

Another keeper on MyFace Statuses:
This coming year, both Groundhog Day and the State of the Union address occur on the same day. It’s an ironic juxtaposition of events; one event involves a meaningless ritual in which we look to a creature of limited intelligence for prognostication...while the other involves a groundhog.

You know what I think is dumb and reflects poorly on oneself? Truly disrespectful putdowns that mock a public figure in a way that makes it clear that you are willing to distort reality in order to justify your beliefs. Because, um, really? REALLY??? You, Mr/Ms. Republican, would like to mock our current president on his oratory skills? Reeeeally? Hmm. Interesting choice.

Let me just say that it annoyed me just a little bit when people ridiculed Bush's clear and true lack of oratory skills. Really, there was no arguing that public speaking was not his strong point. But at least it was a true fault. But i don't think that the corner on mocking is held by either of the two major parties. Can't we just all get along kids? I like the idea of thoughtful and insightful debate about actual issues, and not just statements about character (creature of limited intelligence...). What I'm saying here is, read the freaking paper, or watch some news, or SOMETHING before spouting off on MyFace about that issue someone at work told you about. ACTUAL FACTS, people. Base your opinions on those. I beg you.

And, seriously. Don't tell my dad.

Monday, January 10, 2011

2011 Resolutions

I feel it is time to post some resolutions. Last year I had some very good ones. Don't ask me what they were, or whether I made any progress. I do remember that they were quite impressive and I was very proud of them. I felt very good about the direction I was taking. No clue if that direction got took. This year, we're going short and sweet. At least, for my blog goals. As last year, you don't get to see them all. Because, frankly, I've heard you are a big blabber mouth and I don't need you telling everyone.

1. Read at least a book a week.
2. Shop on the outer perimeters of the grocery store, where fresh things lie. That is not to say there will not still be eggos in my freezer.
3. Remember my friends' birthdays with (at least) a card (on time!), and shop for family birthdays at least a week in advance.
4. Get my neck fixed. This means I have to go to the danged chiropractor.

Welp. I'm stumped. I end at four.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

I am Not Well-Read.

I know this because I've been looking at lists of books people put together that are supposed to be like these definitive lists of books in certain categories.

1. Top 100 Classics
2. Top 1,001 Books You Should Read Before You Die,
3. Top 100 Worst Books Ever Written (which was clearly put together by a moron, because they put To Kill a Mockingbird on it.),
4. Top 100 books from the last decade,
5. Top 100 Books from the 21st century (which, um, isn't that the same?)
6. Top 100 Books from the 20th century
7. Books Every Woman Should Read

Looking at all these lists has pretty much confirmed what I suspected: the education system has failed me. Somehow I managed to take English classes that didn't require more than one or two books that year. And sometimes they were classics. Should have taken a lit class in college. Then maybe I would not have 300 trillion billion books to read this year to catch up.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Saving the World One Viral Video at a Time

Maybe one of your Friends posted the video that's gone viral of the homeless man with the golden radio voice on MyFace.

I just have to ask this, after seeing the buzz. Since when should second chances in life be predicated on whether you are nice, or good? We have to deserve the chance to find a better way to live our life? Really?? Well, shoot, I’m doomed. I don’t like being nice.

I understand the appeal of this video. It's nice to see someone in a tough spot with a good attitude and the chance and determination to rise above the low point they have reached. It’s a feel-good extravaganza. But here's the thing. The fact that he has a good attitude does not mean that he deserves a life that is kinder to him more than the sad looking bum ranting and raving in what you can only assume is an alcohol and/or drug induced stupor on the sidewalk downtown. You have no idea what either of them has been through. No idea what brought them to this low point. There is no way for you to see what is in their hearts. Especially not in a brief encounter on the side of the road, let alone a YouTube video. And don’t think that just because you have judged a man “good” who has been brought so low that it’s okay that you judged. Because in order to be so impressed with a homeless man that seems to have heart, you most likely expect that most homeless wouldn’t show that same amazing spirit. Apparently he’s special.

What could look like the effects of drug use could be the effects of a mental illness that causes severe, frightening, never-ending hallucinations of people you and I can't see hurting them and abusing them over and over, day in and day out. Or you could be right. It could be drug use. They could be self-medicating to escape those hallucinations. Or self-medicating to escape the awful memories of traumatic experiences and horrible present circumstances. Or they could just be an addict. One stupid, adolescent moment where they tried to fit in or escape might have lead them down the path to an addiction that grips them so hard it has enveloped their life and caused them to lose people they love and live in a way no one would intentionally choose.

I was once in an eating establishment near my office downtown having a sandwich for lunch with a friend, where some weary hellfire and damnation missionaries were breaking from handing out their leaflets of bad news, and having a little chat about the homeless people they had observed on the streets that day. The woman loudly voiced the opinion that these durn homeless people simply needed to get a job, and support themselves, instead of living off the charity of others. Because, in her mind, what was keeping these people homeless was laziness. Imagine, if you will, Holliberry watching in horror intermingled with pride as said friend confronted this hypocritical woman and told her she had no right to judge, and that she exhibited a stupendous amount of ignorance in her loudly shared opinions. Also there were other things said. I was quite proud as I edged my way out the door because confrontation is scary.

I'm not saying this isn't a compelling video. For people who may not have contact with homeless people in any real or meaningful way, it could help open their mind at least a little to the idea that homeless people are human beings with talents and personalities and opinions and childhood memories and aspirations just like we all are. Where the “viral” status gets silly is where people think that they "advocate" for homeless people by sharing this video, or commenting on it. At least, it's silly if that's the one and only effort they make for the year before turning their thoughts to whether to play with their new phone app or watch Survivor Season 50 on demand. (And yes, I’m bitter I have neither option.) Try acknowledging someone who is clearly homeless, instead of whispering behind their back, ignoring them when they try to talk to you, insulting them, or staring at them like they're the latest exhibit at your local zoo, or the most repulsive sight you’ve ever seen. Give them that piece of dignity. They’ll appreciate that even more than the bars of soap you donated to the shelter that one time.