Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Thankful on a Wednesday

Today I am thankful for friends who love me even when I'm all crazy and weird.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Today's Gratitude Message Brought to You By...

The rain. I love it. So much is still green here. and it's all fresh smelling and sweet.

My eye just started to twitch. I think all this gratitude is getting to me.

Thankfulness on a Friday!

I got to see my Alice today. And I get to see my Mad Hatter tomorrow. :)

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Gettin' Back Up on the Gratitude Wagon

I totally fell off the gratitude wagon, and I make no apologies. It's been a rough week. Tonight I am thankful for my friend Jenna who keeps me company when I am lonely and distracts me when I feel yucky. :)

Monday, November 7, 2011

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Day Six of Thankfulness

Today I am thankful for days off from work. I want another one. Now. Please.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Day 4 and 5 of Gratitudinosity

Holy Hannah this is going to be a long month.

Thursday it took me like four hours to think of something. That's why it posted the next morning. Because Thursday became Friday. And then yesterday became today, and I fell asleep without thinking of something I was thankful for. Yes, I am feeling a little Eeyorish. I now this shocks you.

Today, I am thankful for: A sunny fall day.

Yesterday, I was thankful for: generous people in the community who are starting to donate good stuff for Christmas to the shelter. Woohoo.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Day 3 of Gratitudinous

Man. Being thankful two days in a row. How do people do this?

Today I am thankful for...

Crisp fall days. That's it. That's all I got.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Thankfulness and All That Rot.

So there's this little trend that happens on MyFace in the month of November. Some people like to post a thing that they are thankful for every day of the month. I know. Cheesy, right? All those happy, gooey statuses kind of make me want to vomit. So I'm going to try to do it here. This might be harder than coming up with fun things for every day of the month. I mean, I have to be THANKFUL. For like, thirty things. Crap. That's a lot of things. And since it's the 2nd, I'm going to list two today. Which takes away some for later, so it's a gamble but I'm taking it.

Today I am thankful for some very cute nieces and nephews. I got to go see some of them on Monday and go trick or treating, and man, are those little buggers cute!

Thing number two I am thankful for is my friend KJ (formerly roommate). My hair is looking particularly shiny and pretty today, and it is all due to the color and cut she gave me a few weeks ago. I heart her.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Words to Live By

and I really like this quote too. 

"True friendship strives for unity of purpose, will, desire, heart, and mind. There must be complete trust and transparency, with no hidden agendas. True friendship transcends love as the world understands it. Based on charity, it is patient and kind. As David and Jonathan demonstrated so memorably, it does not envy; it does not boast; it is not proud. It is not rude, selfish, or easily angered. It keeps no record of wrongs; it does not delight in evil but rejoices in truth. It can bear anything; it always trusts, always hopes, and always perseveres. It never fails (see 1 Cor. 13:4–8 ).~~Lynn A Mickelsen

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Happy Thought

I gave up on my 30 days of fun. I decided that 21 was sufficient. Moving on.

Today instead of fun we will have a deep thought. I have been ruminating on what true friendship is.

"True friendship helps give meaning to life. It is an anchor for the soul. Based on the pure love of Christ, it is security and trust between two individuals and is “stronger than the cords of death” (see D&C 121:43–44) because it transcends this mortal existence. Unfortunate is the person who has no true friend."~ Lynn A Mickelsen

Today I am thankful for true friends.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


For Day 21 of my 30 days of fun, I watched the season premiere of Fringe.

I am just telling you now, if you watch Fringe and have not yet watched the premiere, I'm about to give a spoiler.

You've been warned.

I'm just saying.

Don't blame me.

I am twenty minutes in and I have not seen Peter. For crying out loud! He is the eye candy and the levity. Siiiigh. Even with Walter I am not sufficiently entertained. If this goes on for more than this episode, I might have to stop watching and catch up when I know he's back. I was hoping during the big fight scene that maybe Olivia would have some good old head trauma and maybe remember something.  But no. All we get is a few reflections. Argh.

Favorite line? "I know what it's like to have a hole in my life. It's been there as long as I can remember."


There, doesn't that sound fun?

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Sick Bed Fun

I woke up sick this morning. Good times.

So we had some low key fun today. For my fun, I have been watching a fabulously silly show that, sadly, only had ten episodes. It's the ABCFamily Drama The Ten Lives of Chloe King. It's about a 16  year old girl who discovers that she is imbued with powers that pretty much make her... Cat Woman. And there are other cat people. And they bring some mythology into it and it's a whole thing where people are trying to take away her nine lives. WHY was there only one season? I don't understand.

Because I can't just be sick like a normal person, I have spent the last two hours craving all kinds of food. I really want some Taco Time. Or a tuna melt. Or a cheese quesadilla. Also I still feel like I'm going to puke each time I eat. So that's a fun combo.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Day 19

Today I had my first meeting of the year with my cute teenagers for Camp Fire. We meet monthly. This was the first time I've seen most of them since May, possibly April. They are a great group of kids and remind me why I loved working with kids in my last job, and that I was a little good at it sometimes. I have pictures, but I am not posting them here because they are minors and I did not get permission. But they are cute, and they had fun.

Weekend O' Fun

I need to catch up. Rest assured that I have been having fun. I have just been too lazy to post about it. 

On Friday, for day 16, I walked to the park after work and read a book, while lying on a bench. This was my view: 

On Saturday, for day 17, I went to the Puyallup Fair with Alice and her kiddos! LOVE this fair. I had yummy fair food, got my fill of cute kiddos, and walked enough that my calves are still a wee bit sore.I failed to take my camera, so no pictures of cuties or fair food. But here's the cow outside on the entrance...

On Sunday, for day 18, I had a lazy day and did very little. There are no pictures of this. :D

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Cupcake Tokens and Lima Beans

I had Lima Beans with my dinner tonight. Have I ever told you how much I loooove Lima Beans? I do.
Also, today one of my volunteers who has also become a friend brought by a cupcake for me to make up for the fact she's stood me up on scheduled volunteer time several times now. Score! So I had a german chocolate cupcake this evening after dinner.

Thirdly, I am watching Newsies, a triumphant chronicling of the News Boys strike of 1900 something.... With singing and dancing, of course. Note the star, Christian Bale, in the center in the blue shirt. Such a good flick. I highly recommend it.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Castle and Cookies!

Watching the season premiere of one of my VERY favorite shows and eating some Otis Spunkmeyer cookies freshly baked in my new oven. It's a good night. 

Monday, September 19, 2011

Good Food with My Old Boss :)

Today my fun thing was having dinner with my old boss at Chinook's. She was surprised to hear that I had never been there. I have not. I had a lovely salmon burger for dinner, with fries. There was also bread. I love me some bread. I am quite full now.

I'm contemplating baking myself some cookies tonight. But that involves all sorts of effort. Like getting up, and finding the cookie sheet, and preheating the oven. Hmmm... Or I could just eat a frozen cookie dough chunk. That also sounds nice.  

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Drama with Mama

My fun thing for today is that I watched part of Wives and Daughters with my mama and we ate hot cherry pie. Mmmmmm.

Saturday, September 17, 2011


Today my fun thing is that I am puppy sitting. My friends are out of town and I am watching their three dogs. They are darn cute and have given me all kinds of love today. I would post pictures but they are not feeling very photogenic right now. Maybe later.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

I Love Cookies. And Costco

Today my fun thing was I went to Costco. Seriously. It's fun. The only time Costco isn't fun is when people get in my way or the lines are too long when I am hungry. I'm not a big fan of the crowds so I don't generally enjoy Costco on a Saturday.

Sweet Discovery® imageIn honor of my new oven, I got me some Otis Spunkmeyer cookie dough. It is now installed safely in my freezer. I am sooooo excited. There is also a large bag of shredded cheese which will get frozen in smaller bags so that my poor, lactose-intolerant tummy can take it in small doses and it won't mold before I get to use most of it. Mmmmm. I see quesadillas in my future. I consider it a successful trip to Costco.  

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Me and My Dizzle

For day ten of my 30 days of fun, I had dinner with my Dizzle. She came to my house and kidnapped me and we went and had all kinds of goodness at our favorite local restaurant. I heart my Dizzle. It was the perfect ending to my day.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


I'm so excited. And I just can't hide it.

Today my landlord had my new oven installed. It doesn't burn things unless, you know, you actually leave it in too long. And it heats to the actual temperature you set it at. AND it has a timer you can set. AND it has an oven light. AND it has a self-cleaning setting.

These are the things that thrill me.

Monday, September 12, 2011

For day number whatever day this is of fun, I watched Dr. Horrible's Sing-along Blog. If I could make this blog into a musical in honor of this epic web-show, I would. This is just one more reason I love NPH and Nathan Fillion. If you have not watched it I am sad for you. If you HAVE watched, then you understand fully how everyone's a hero in their own way.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Food is Fun.

Going by the number of days posted instead of calendar days, since I skipped, this is day seven of my 30 days of Fun. Wouldn't want to cheat myself out of any days of fun!

Today, I took myself out for a yummy dinner. I went here:

I will just say: mmmmmm.

 I had:

Fresh spinach, artichoke hearts and jalepenos mixed in a creamy 
cheese sauce then baked to perfection. Served with house-made tortilla chips.


Grilled Cuban sandwich with Black Forest ham, turkey, BBQ pulled pork and 
pepperoni piled on our hoagie roll with spicy B-town brown mustard, dill 
pickles, swiss cheese and grilled until golden brown.

Don't worry. I did not eat it all. I have some yummy leftovers that will be calling to me after church tomorrow.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Food is Fun.

Today my fun thing is  I went out to lunch here:


Thursday, September 8, 2011

Back in the Saddle of Happiness.

Okay, I fell off the happy bandwagon for a few days there. We won't discuss here why.

My fun thing for today is that I started an account at pinterest. If you would like to email me privately I'll tell you how to find me. I don't have that much up on my boards, but I am entertained by the principle. I like to think it can be a goal setting device, a hobby tracker, and a filing system. I can put up things like places I want to travel in the future, right alongside my favorite books and recipes I want to try later. Also since you pin things by picture, it's really pretty to look at. All the stunning pictures make you want to fulfill your goals and bake yummy things and stuff.

Confession: I didn't actually start the pinterest account today. I started it a few days ago. But, hey, I'm getting back on the bandwagon and in the saddle and all that junk. Don't judge me.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Free Smartness...

Today I decided that I need to do what I've been meaning to do forever.


Teehee. That was a joke. I promise, my sister SusieQ. :)

I have been meaning to look for online courses to take. BYU has had some available for years. Yes, my alma mater is that cool. It started out as just free religious courses, but they have expanded. Twice in the past I have enrolled for online, self-paced religion classes. And then forgotten about it for so long I forgot my log in and password. Now they have even more classes than just religious. My favorite one is the one that is simply "Honesty." I've been meaning to learn how to be honest. This could be my chance. Also there is an online bowling course. Fortunately, I took the live one at BYU. But I'm sure an online course would greatly improve my skills.... Even better, there are a few spelling courses. Just what I've been looking for!

MIT also has some course notes, etc online for the general public's perusal. Fancy. I could get super smart. If I can focus that long. I tried to start reading through one of the management psychology ones tonight. Yeah. Not that focused. But still... I could get all smart that way.

I also cleaned out my car and unpacked a box. I do not call this "fun," however, it does feel nice when I put things in order. So I will count it for this post. Kind of a nerdy day of fun, but there you have it.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

My Favorite Color is Red.

So I painted my toenails red. I thought about posting a picture. Even took a picture. But do you know what body part is ugly? Toes. You don't get to see mine. I don't like them. But they are pretty. And red.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Happiness is...

1. Smelling old books. And reading them. In the park, if possible.

2. Grilled sandwich with sprouts, tomato, and avocado, with more avocado on the side. And also eating it on my homemade pottery is fun too.

This concludes 30 Days of Fun Day 2.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Joy, Happiness, and all that Rot

So, my friend Dizzle has been posting on MyFace about fun things in her life that bring her joy in big and little ways. She is calling it her thirty days of fun. Also, to give credit where credit is due, she got it from Mighty Girl. Dizzle has inspired me, which is amazing considering my current all-encompassing apathy. I shall try to post things each day that I am doing that are fun or that bring me joy.This might be very hard for me. I do not believe it will count to say "walked to the park" every day. Shoot. I might have to widen my lens and junk and do things outside of my little routine I got going here. Yes, that was poor grammar. I put it there just for you, Dizzle.

So my happy thing for today?

Reading Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows in the sunshine in the park after work. I walked there. There was fresh air and sunshine and exercise and all kinds of healthy things involved.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Camp Attire 101

When camping, it is important to look your best. You never know when the paparazi will show up. It may look like Auntie Holliberry, but...

To dress up a day look for the evening campfire, a side ponytail is always in good taste. Some call it retro. Nothing like a shout out to the eighties. People liked camping then. It was huge. Like Madonna or Cyndi Lauper huge.

In the evening, when the bugs come out and threaten to mar those runway legs, denim is fitting. Just throw on that pair of jeans and let your campfire chic shine through.

It's important to put on your face at camp. Use the resources around you to enhance your natural features.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Elementary, My Dear Reader.

I ran a week of day camp again this summer. This year, we did a mystery theme.
I thought about dressing up and then decided to just go as me. With my regular pipe and hat and all.
And then I found Waldo. He was lurking in the woods waiting to hand out lollipops to the lucky children who find him. Fun... or creepy? You decide.
Again, on secret identity day, I thought about wearing a disguise but decided to just do me. I think it was a wise decision. PS, no, I do not know what those marks are on my chin and cheek. Possibly lunch. It was probably very good.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Two Things:

1. I hate TMobile. Now that they've sold out to Sprint or whoever they sold out to, their customer service sucks. I asked to speak to a representative because my question did not fit into their categories, and their system is litterally programmed to hang up on you if you don't give them a reason it can understand. So it did. Twice. I finally got someone, and it is clear they are outsourcing and the person I was talking to did not understand my question. Even when I rephrased. About five different ways. Awesome. Now to figure out how to get out of the contract....

2. There are strange men creeping about today. One came up and asked to borrow my cell phone while I was sitting in the park because his friends had stood him up and he wanted to call "some people." Um.... no. Then, as I'm walking home, two guys in a little black car rolled up across the crosswalk I'm crossing to get my attention. Hi, creepy guys. Thanks for wavin' at me. I guess I can't help it if I'm cute. I'm not wearing makeup today and I'm pretty sure I have puffy eyes (allergies, not crying). So, you know, I'm looking really hot.

Some day I'm going to start posting posts with one solid thought behind it again. Maybe when I get my shiny new computer....

Friday, August 12, 2011

Holliberry News Update

If you haven't talked to me lately, here's a few updates:

1. I bought a computer. It's a Dell. It's being shipped to me.
2. I went to my first Torchlight Parade in Seattle. I will post pictures after my new computer gets here and I can download the ten million pictures on my memory card.
3. My memory card on my camera is full. I have not taken any off for a long time, since my computer died and all. I have pictures of cute nieces and nephews, other family members, the parade, day camp, a camping trip with Alice and the wee little ones (although they are trying to be not little. It's quite aggravating).
4. I ran a week of day camp. You know, for recreation, since I took vacation to do it. I might post some pictures from that, too. We'll see how good you are.
5. I have reread six of the seven Harry Potter books this summer. Living alone is quiet. I'm just saying.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Smart People Movies

I've been scouring my Netflix options for good documentaries. The goal is to show mentally stimulating, insightful, entertaining documentaries. As a result I have the suspicion I will be watching quite a few documentaries in the coming month or so. I have come up with a cajillion that have very good potential. Who knew there were so many out there! On the top of my list:

1. After Innocence: A look at convicted prisoners released from jail after being cleared by DNA evidence. I am actually watching it right now. I feel like it could be better.

2. Exit Through the Gift Shop: All about underground street art and street artist Banksy, who does stencil art and is all kinds of famous or something.

3. Food, Inc.: Looking at effect of food industry on our health and environment. Because my sister reeeeeeally wants me to watch it. And I suppose I should educate myself on food and junk.

4. No Impact Man: A man and wife and baby try to make no impact on the environment for a year. That's some dedication.

5. Murderball: About Rugby-playing quadriplegics at the paralympics. Sounds hardcore.

6. Good Hair: Chris Rock looks at African-American hair and the views surrounding what is "good hair" and how women get it. I hear it's super good.

There are quite a few on my list. We watched Rize last week, which is about Krumping and Clowning (dance movements) in LA. Quite interesting. I've got quite a few historical ones on my list, because I like a good historical education. Those might be more for my interest than ones that will be contenders for our summer documentary series...

Do you have any favorites?

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Happy Ballpoint Pen Day

It's important to have reasons in life to celebrate. Today (er, Sunday, which starts in five minutes), I'm celebrating ballpoint pens. I shall use one to take notes in church, to doodle when I am not listening in church, and to underline things in my lesson manual at church. It's going to be an exciting day!

Other days I am looking forward to celebrating this year:
1. Raggedy Ann and Andy Day on June 12th-13th (which doesn't really make sense because that is TWO days, people!)
2. Magna Carta Day on June 15th. I think we all celebrate this one, don't we?
3. National Flip-Flop Day on June 17th. An ode to footwear or wishy-washiness? Hmmm... I can't decide.
4. International Fairy Day on June 24th. Because fairies are pretty!
5. Great American Backyard Camp Out Day on June 25th. Should be interesting in the backyard of my apartment...
6. International Cherry Pit Spitting Day on July 2nd.
7. Compliment Your Mirror day on July 3rd. (Who's a pretty mirror? YOU are a pretty mirror.)
8. Indivisible Day on July 4th. Which would have been more fun the first way I read it, which was INVISIBLE Day.
9. Don't Step on a Bee Day on July 10th. My feet feel so safe on that day!
10. Cow Appreciation Day on July 10th. Mooooooo.
11. Barbie-in-a-blender Day on July 27th. Oh, the traditions! Just thinking about this day brings on the nostalgia!
12. Take Your Houseplant for a Walk day, also on July 27th. Truly a busy, busy day.
13. Particularly Preposterous Packaging Day on August 7th. Oh, the fun we have on this day!
14. Sneak Some Zucchini onto Your Neighbor's Porch Night on August 8th.
15. Hug Your Boss Day on August 19th, which I first read to be BUG Your Boss Day. I'm instituting Bug Your Boss Day at my work. We're trailblazers.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Catsup or Ketchup? That Is the Question.

I have been pondering a deep question. Ketchup or Catsup? And what's more, why on earth do we have two choices? I googled it, and while the answer is not from wikipedia, which would make it the definitive answer, I found a little info here.

My conclusion? It is clearly meant to be ketchup. Because saying "cat-sup" is akin to saying schedule all british-like, "shhhhedule." Like nails on a chalkboard. Or, since that noise does not get to me as much, like styrofoam against styrofoam. Ugh. Hate that noise.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Thank You Very Much (queue Scrooge soundtrack here)

“To speak gratitude is courteous and pleasant, to enact gratitude is generous and noble, but to live gratitude is to touch Heaven.” ~Johannes A. Gaertner

Deep thoughts.

I feel like this is a true statement. What is the difference between enacting gratitude and living gratitude? I've been thinking long and hard about this for the last five minutes, and I have concluded that the difference is that enacting gratitude could be a one-time act like sending a thank you card, which is a very nice thing, and not to be pooh-poohed (thank you thesaurus), while living gratitude is about an everyday attitude or approach to life. I have not learned how to live gratitude. Sometimes I have thoughtful moments and I enact it. Why, just the other day I made a list of people to thank. I consider this a great accomplishment.

How can we live gratitude? I have come up with the following so far:
1. Gratitude journal (thank you, Oprah)
2. Take friends out for cheesecake to thank them for bein' a friend. I'll let you go first.
3. ...

Yeah, that's all I got. Clearly I'm theees close to living gratitude. Anybody got any thoughts on things I could add to my exhaustive list above?

Saturday, May 21, 2011

The Rapture and Other Things that Make us Giggle

I have been noticing a trending conversation topic on MyFace the last few days. Everywhere I look it's all about the Rapture. I noticed that it was even a topic on several major news websites. The media is enjoying poking a little fun just as much as the peeps on MyFace. And it does seem a little goofy to me that Random Dude is telling us all the appointed day that It Will All Be Over.

As much as I think that it's goofy that people believe this guy, I can't help cringe a little at all the mocking. I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. In other words, I'm a Mormon girl. :) And even my friends who love me and are respectful of my beliefs say that some of the things I believe seem a little wacky to them. I get it. It's understandable that without the element of faith, a belief in things like modern-day prophets, revelation, and *gasp* abstaining from alcohol and coffee would seem odd to say the least.

I did not believe this rapture talk, and really do find it kind of ridiculous and crazy. But my urge to point my finger and laugh is hampered a bit by a glimmer of a feeling of common ground. Their beliefs seem crazy to me, but my beliefs also seem crazy to many people. I can take some fun poked at my religion, but people can be pretty brutal sometimes. What is it that makes it so appealing to mock the beliefs of others. Why has this prediction been such a significant thing to people that they are posting and re posting on MyFace, talking about it in the grocery store, and writing news stories over and over? I'm not saying I haven't found these posts amusing, because some of them are downright hilarious. I'm just saying, if it's so ridiculous, why are we expending so much energy focusing on it?

But then, I don't get why we should care which celebrity is in rehab or whatever either. But I'm not gonna lie, I have had periods in my life where I've followed all that gossip.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Commercials that Make Me Giggle

I don't have cable, so I really have not been in the commercial world too much lately. I know some of you will be shocked to read that I don't have cable. Never fear, I have wifi and I watch all my shows there. Really it allows me to watch more in less time because there are less commercials. But every once in a while I see funny commercials that make me miss commercials. Mostly I just think, man, I'm glad this is the only commercial I have to hear. But these ones... they make me giggle.

Do. Da. Dippity. And some hamsters.

And the cute little cows!!!

And she loves him... ardently!

And of course...

Sadly... he isn't me...

Sunday, March 27, 2011

I'm a Good Person and I Will Tell You All About It.

Reasons people are charitable:

1. Because they are nice.
2. Because they care about people.
3. So that they can tell people about how nice they are and how they care about people. They can also tell themselves this.
4. So they can be published on lists.
5. So they don't have to pay for a ticket/go to jail.
6. So they can achieve notable positions in their community.
7. To impress someone.

I'm all for charity, and for people volunteering and giving service and all that junk. But there are people in the world who are quite proud of themselves and the little ways they give. Or, in the absence of actual giving, they are quite proud of the way they talk about how they intend to give. Because all starts with talking, right? Lots and lots of talking. And if said intended future service involves The Children then that makes the speaker practically an angel. Because only the innocent truly deserve our help.

You know what makes me cranky? Besides the absence of chocolate in my house right now, that is. You'll never guess this. What makes me cranky is when people discuss potential subjects of service and essentially categorize groups of people as deserving or undeserving of help and love, based on no actual facts, but rather on personal biases and assumptions. Because heaven help us if we take the time to try to understand an issue adversely affecting people and have a little compassion for them.

I was recently delighted (and by delighted I mean severely aggravated) to hear a woman espouse her opinion that families who were homeless due to disaster, and therefore through no fault of their own, really need our help. It was her new mission to help support them in whatever way she could. She was quite proud of herself for this statement. She was feeling quite angelic. I was feeling like squishing her. On the surface, her comment was great. These people she was discussing ARE probably really deserving of a little love and support. Yeah for charity! But let's examine the qualifier in her statement. Through no fault of their own. Um, what exactly are you saying, there, Angel dear? Are you saying that Other Homeless People are NOT deserving of your charity, because they all CHOSE to be homeless? I'm sure, Angel, that you were not consciously trying to relay that message. However, it's clear from your statement (and a few other lovely follow-up statements about dirty scary people and addicts) what you think about homeless people.

Everyone is at a different place in life on their path to learning and understanding about the world around them. I totally get that. I get that while some people would be uncomfortable working with homeless people, other people would rather do that than work with a group of children. Everyone' s service of choice is different. There are lots of different ways we can make an impact in this world, and we all have different talents and preferences that lead us to give service in different ways. That's fabulous. Yeah for diversity! What I take issue with is people who insist on staying in their little bubbles and not educating themselves and broadening their minds when opportunity arise. I take issue with people passing judgement on other groups of people without taking the time to actually consider the cards life has dealt said group. Serving people does not make you better than them. If you're doing it right, you will most likely learn something in the act. If you're doing it wrong, you most likely brag about it later. I'm just saying.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

When I Grow Up...

I want to be a foodie. I don't think I qualify as one right now, because I feel like a foodie should know things, like that there are different kinds of scallops. There are sea scallops and bay scallops? Who knew? But I do really love food. I love trying different kinds of food, and there are very few things I won't at least try. Like tonight, I was watching the Top Chef from this season where they did Dim Sum, and I would not even be opposed to trying the chicken feet. Although, it sounds like she botched them, and I'd rather try some that are properly cooked to get the full effect. But, still. I like to try different things. I also love finding good restaurants.

I consulted the source of all knowledge, Wikipedia, and it was confirmed. Foodies are food (and wine--but that parts never gonna happen) aficionados. I clearly don't know enough about food to be called a foodie. Wikipedia told me so. But I aspire to know more.

Also, when I grow up, I wanna be famous.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


One of my friends scared the crap out of me the other day. She had a medical scare that was life-threatening. For too many terrifying hours things were uncertain. I have never felt that level of awful fear for someone close to me. I've had grandparents and aunts and uncles die, but those deaths were for the most part not startling, and it at least felt like they had lived a life. Also, generally the assurance that I will see them again and that they are with God has been a comfort to me. But this friend is my age. I have only had her for a few years in my life. That is not long enough. And really, there is no one in my life right now that I am willing to part with. I'm selfish that way. Thankfully, she is okay. Fervent prayer was uttered by many who loved her, and I believe that God blessed her.

It's been a rough couple years for me. Lots and lots of change in my life. New job, new grown-up apartment with no roommate, new friends, new ward, and severed ties with a few old beloved friends. In some ways I have rejoiced in the changes and how they have helped me to grow and expand as a person. I've learned so much and love the people and experiences that these changes have brought me. But lately I have been struggling with the challenges these changes have also brought my way. Growing is exhausting. Trying to do better and be stronger is exhausting. I feel like I'm on the right track, but, my goodness, I'm tired. And also sad, because I've lost a few friends with these changes. But this week helped me gain some perspective on things.

Those things I've been stressing about? Kind of silly. My job is hard but I'm moving in the right direction and my boss is happy with me. My friends get frustrated with me but they love me anyways even with all my crazy. If I haven't driven them away with my crazy yet that's a pretty darn good sign. And even the ones who are not speaking to me anymore are still alive. I'd rather have them somewhere out there annoyed with me than not out there.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

I'm Sure This Will Surprise You...

but the truth is, I hate Valentine's Day. Shocking, right? And, no, it's not because it's a holiday created by stores who want our money, blah, blah, blah.... I feel convinced that the people who say this (and I swear they are all people who have Somebody) are only saying this because they are cheap. There, I've said it. And now my trip to Alice and the Hatter's house has probably been canceled due to Too Much Making Fun. I kid, I swear. Please don't withhold the baby.

I believe that there should be as many reasons for people to buy me things as possible. I'm not opposed to commercialism if it benefits me personally. I'm still wondering why you didn't buy me a New Year's present, by the way. It was kind of thoughtless of you. I'm just saying. So, no, that's not the reason I hate Valentine's Day.

It's not even the disgusting displays of affection on MyFace. Although, seriously, I don't care how much you love your Baby, or how much your Baby loves you, or what your Baby gave you, or where you went with your Baby. Not on February 14th, or any other day of the year. All that happiness makes me want to puke. Just so you know. Was that too honest? Sometimes I get to honest. Some of you may recall the incident with the yarn.

What I hate is that everyone asks you what you are doing for Valentine's Day. And then after Valentine's Day, they ask you what you did. And they all swap stories and compare what their sweethearts did or said or whatever. And talk about how romantic and thoughtful they are or aren't the rest of the year. And if you're REALLY lucky, they ask you why you're single. And pat you on the shoulder and tell you that you will find someone. And suggest that you join an internet dating site. Because maybe if you Put Yourself Out There you will find Someone. Gosh, I never thought of that. Sounds fun, no?

If you had just sent me some chocolate and flowers, we could have avoided this tirade.

Other Things I Love

In addition to gnomes, I've developed a sudden fixation on unicorns. They make me happy. I feel like I should own one. Since there are no actual unicorns for sale in my geographical area, I have been scouting the web. Turns out that while unicorns strike my fancy in theory, there are a lot of ugly, creepy unicorns out there. I'm telling you. Go to Amazon or Etsy, and you will see what i mean. I do enjoy the print on etsy I found that says "Shut it or I'll stab you with my norwhal." I'm seriously contemplating getting this one for my home.I feel like this would add the little morsel of homeyness that I haven't quite capture yet in my apartment. This print could be the clincher. And don't steal my idea. I don't want to walk into your house and find that you have the EXACT SAME PRINT hanging over your couch. I will have to go all ninja on you if you do. You have been duly warned.

But seriously, why can't I find anything more than moderately cute. Like these erasers...

Kind of cute. A little creepy.

I do, however, need these:

I have marked them on my wishlist on Amazon for your convenience. Along with this:

Just so you know, I draw the line here:

This, my friends, is creeeepy. And you may not buy it for me.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

I have a confession. I loooove...

Gnomes. If you have been in my house you have seen my gnomes. And I am sooooo excited for this:

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

From Borrowing to Owning

I totally have working internet now. This is exciting because since I moved, I have been borrowing from a neighbor. You know, like sugar. And sometimes it worked, and sometimes it didn't. And I had to sit in a certain spot in my living room, and sometimes hold my computer in a certain way on my lap. And I couldn't turn sideways and put my feet up on the couch. Otherwise, poof! Internet gone. Chats were friends were difficult and often ended with said friend cussing me out and telling me to get my own blasted internet. And yet they kept talking to me. Because they love me. And I am a riveting conversationalist.

So turns out when you buy the internet instead of borrowing it this means that there's a whole new set of freedoms you can enjoy. Like, I'm pretty sure I could access the internet from the comfort of my bed. Have not tested this theory yet, but I'm feeling pretty good about this theory. This bodes well for my upcoming illnesses. I like to plan these things ahead. I am fairly certain that I will now be able to stream all the Law and Order: SVU that my poor ill body may need, in the event I actually am ill. I like to plan.

I am chatting with two people at once and I have not once lost access to my chat. I feel so decadent.

Monday, February 7, 2011


I'm blue. Just found out that someone who once called me her best friend just had a huge life event, and this is the first I'm hearing about it.

So what do do when you're blue?

Well, you know how I like a good list. So of course I will make a list:

1. make a list of things to do when I'm blue. Because I find comfort in lists.
2. watch Dirty Dancing. Because nobody puts Baby in a corner.
3. Impulse shop. Because what can be better than retail therapy. I'm suddenly obsessed with unicorns. Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately for my bank account) I can't find any good unicorn stuff to buy. Unicorns make me happy, but not ugly unicorns. Which seems to be the only thing people want to sell. Ugly, scary unicorns.
4. eat ice cream. Even though I am lactose intolerant, and it will make my intestine's scream at me later. And of course don't take any lactaid, because that involves getting off the couch. Even though I got off the couch to get the ice cream. I'm doing good here, I say.
5. put books on my "later" list at the library.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Things People Waste Time On that I can Waste Time Blogging About

Um. I am a little disturbed. I noticed this song on youtube:

I would like to note that the chick busting up and screaming must know this guy? Because, um... it's not THAT funny. Or very funny. Cute, I suppose, enhanced by the fact that it's being sung by a cute boy. Possibly commentary on MyFace. And hey, maybe the buildup is what got her there. But, wow. Dude is not THAT funny. But, as I suspected, he is a little Mormon boy (he had that glow, didn't even have to look for the secret handshake or the horns we try to keep hidden), so that explains the good clean fun involving a singing/talent show kinda feel. I'm guessing ward talent show? Bless his heart. He clearly got the chick, so all was not in vain.

And after watching that sad little ditty, I saw that the little suggestion strip was FILLED with videos about MyFace. Wow.(note, I didn't watch this whole thing. There could be disturbing images. I make no promises):

So I clicked on it, because, you know. It could be funny. Only it's not. But it lead me to this world of Facebook songs.

Really. I am not joking.

And I thought Farmville was a silly waste of time. Oh, no. When we're not on MyFace, apparently we are composing songs and posting them. Probably on our walls. And to illustrate this waste of time, I wasted my time and watched a bunch of different videos. So there. I showed... someone....

This one looked promising, because, hey, it shows a guy with a goofy looking beard in his profile picture. Surely hilarity will ensue.

And I am happy to report that there was a recorder involved. Success. I see the point of this one. There is a recorder. What more do I need?

Also, this one was just begging to be examined. It's a RAP, yo.

Aaaand that is 1:52 I can't get back. Oops. You would think I would learn not to get sucked into the youtube madness. But, no. I never learn.

But I will leave you with this very instructional video which I feel makes up for all the bad, sad, MyFace songs and raps out there.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Happy Birthday, Dr. King

A great orator and a great leader.

This was his last speech. The more I learn about Martin Luther King the more amazing he is to me . I like how he devoted his life to being the best person that he could be, and using his gifts to do the most that he could do. He said things that indicted he anticipated being assassinated. He knew the kind of position he was putting himself in as a civil rights leader. He felt that he had a calling, and he accepted that place of leadership, knowing the violence that was aimed towards those who spoke out. And he spoke so eloquently. He was a big part of the movement towards social equality. I am so glad I live in a country that no longer practices legalized segregation. People should not be treated the way they were treated then.

Watching the news report below, it makes me wonder how it would have felt to watch it then, versus now when it just feels historical. The older I get, the more real history gets to me. Having watched the reports on Columbine as a stunned college student, and listening all day to radio reports on September 11th in shock and disbelief, tragedies in history look different to me. Everything is "normal" until something happens that is so huge it literally changes society. And then normal begins to be defined slightly differently. It's horrible to think that someone could be so hateful that they would kill someone espousing messages of love, peace, and equality, because they were afraid of those ideas. There were (and I suppose, are) people who felt justified in believing that Martin Luther King, and the Civil Rights movement, was wrong and dangerous. People were so afraid of the thought of treating people equally that they resorted to murder. But, fortunately, Dr King had made his mark, and his message lived after he died. When will people learn that killing someone does not mean you silence them. I'm glad there were sane people in the country who didn't allow the movement to be stifled.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

This Question Needs to be Asked

WHY would there not be significant studies on how to make menstrual cramps go away? Seriously. This is a serious issue. Are scientists so sexist? Or is it the funders. Because, seriously, take an anti-inflammatory and get some rest is not helpful.

I feel like I should apologize to my male friends who read my blog, but then... they have not commented in eons so I'm assuming they got distracted by something shiny and no longer check their google reader or whatever, at least not for anything but the SomethingShiny blog they subscribe to. Also, why do they get to have an aversion to the topic? They don't even suffer actual pain over menstrual issues. And, no, buying tampons for your wife at the grocery store does not count.

So, seriously. I have checked a few of the more reputable online medical sources, and also wikepedia, and they both say there are not conclusive studies done on anything, really. I AM TELLING YOU, SCIENTISTS, FOR THE GOOD OF ALL MANKIND, FIND SOME ANSWERS. Because menstrual cramps equals cranky woman. And lots of cranky women equals lots of unhappy households and workplaces. I'm just saying. It's for your own health. Tell us how to make the pain stop.

And so help me, if you tell me to exercise through the pain, I'm going to have to hurt you. Because that is a lie propagated by stupid men and also women who don't get real cramps.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


I don't usually talk about politics. I know I kind of dance on the line sometimes what with my little rants about social issues and whatnot. Some of those opinions probably correlate with party platforms or something. So maybe this is not a shock to you. And it probably would not be a shock to my dad. But still, don't tell him.

I think I might be a little bit liberal.

I know, right?

How do I know this? Because I have Friends on MyFace who, although they are lovely people, post somewhat moronic things, like how Obama should "give people my work ethic, not my money." Now, I'm not saying there are some lazy people out there. There are totally lazy people. But, um, there are a LOT of people out there who are unemployed. People with little ones and problems you cannot imagine. I hear about these things because of parts of my job. And these people are working their butts off to keep their kids housed and fed. Christmas was sparse for these people this year. And that might be how Christmas regularly is. And it's not because they are lazy and "milking the system." They are doing their best to survive. And, from what I have seen, this describes the majority of people receiving assistance. If you want to see steam come out of my ears, explain to me why I am wrong, given what you saw on the news that one time for a second before the story about that star who went to rehab. People who are far away from the issue can very easily pass judgement. Also, many lazy people are employed. I can attest to this. Let's start by firing them and giving their jobs to someone who does not want to make our days crappy.

Another keeper on MyFace Statuses:
This coming year, both Groundhog Day and the State of the Union address occur on the same day. It’s an ironic juxtaposition of events; one event involves a meaningless ritual in which we look to a creature of limited intelligence for prognostication...while the other involves a groundhog.

You know what I think is dumb and reflects poorly on oneself? Truly disrespectful putdowns that mock a public figure in a way that makes it clear that you are willing to distort reality in order to justify your beliefs. Because, um, really? REALLY??? You, Mr/Ms. Republican, would like to mock our current president on his oratory skills? Reeeeally? Hmm. Interesting choice.

Let me just say that it annoyed me just a little bit when people ridiculed Bush's clear and true lack of oratory skills. Really, there was no arguing that public speaking was not his strong point. But at least it was a true fault. But i don't think that the corner on mocking is held by either of the two major parties. Can't we just all get along kids? I like the idea of thoughtful and insightful debate about actual issues, and not just statements about character (creature of limited intelligence...). What I'm saying here is, read the freaking paper, or watch some news, or SOMETHING before spouting off on MyFace about that issue someone at work told you about. ACTUAL FACTS, people. Base your opinions on those. I beg you.

And, seriously. Don't tell my dad.

Monday, January 10, 2011

2011 Resolutions

I feel it is time to post some resolutions. Last year I had some very good ones. Don't ask me what they were, or whether I made any progress. I do remember that they were quite impressive and I was very proud of them. I felt very good about the direction I was taking. No clue if that direction got took. This year, we're going short and sweet. At least, for my blog goals. As last year, you don't get to see them all. Because, frankly, I've heard you are a big blabber mouth and I don't need you telling everyone.

1. Read at least a book a week.
2. Shop on the outer perimeters of the grocery store, where fresh things lie. That is not to say there will not still be eggos in my freezer.
3. Remember my friends' birthdays with (at least) a card (on time!), and shop for family birthdays at least a week in advance.
4. Get my neck fixed. This means I have to go to the danged chiropractor.

Welp. I'm stumped. I end at four.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

I am Not Well-Read.

I know this because I've been looking at lists of books people put together that are supposed to be like these definitive lists of books in certain categories.

1. Top 100 Classics
2. Top 1,001 Books You Should Read Before You Die,
3. Top 100 Worst Books Ever Written (which was clearly put together by a moron, because they put To Kill a Mockingbird on it.),
4. Top 100 books from the last decade,
5. Top 100 Books from the 21st century (which, um, isn't that the same?)
6. Top 100 Books from the 20th century
7. Books Every Woman Should Read

Looking at all these lists has pretty much confirmed what I suspected: the education system has failed me. Somehow I managed to take English classes that didn't require more than one or two books that year. And sometimes they were classics. Should have taken a lit class in college. Then maybe I would not have 300 trillion billion books to read this year to catch up.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Saving the World One Viral Video at a Time

Maybe one of your Friends posted the video that's gone viral of the homeless man with the golden radio voice on MyFace.

I just have to ask this, after seeing the buzz. Since when should second chances in life be predicated on whether you are nice, or good? We have to deserve the chance to find a better way to live our life? Really?? Well, shoot, I’m doomed. I don’t like being nice.

I understand the appeal of this video. It's nice to see someone in a tough spot with a good attitude and the chance and determination to rise above the low point they have reached. It’s a feel-good extravaganza. But here's the thing. The fact that he has a good attitude does not mean that he deserves a life that is kinder to him more than the sad looking bum ranting and raving in what you can only assume is an alcohol and/or drug induced stupor on the sidewalk downtown. You have no idea what either of them has been through. No idea what brought them to this low point. There is no way for you to see what is in their hearts. Especially not in a brief encounter on the side of the road, let alone a YouTube video. And don’t think that just because you have judged a man “good” who has been brought so low that it’s okay that you judged. Because in order to be so impressed with a homeless man that seems to have heart, you most likely expect that most homeless wouldn’t show that same amazing spirit. Apparently he’s special.

What could look like the effects of drug use could be the effects of a mental illness that causes severe, frightening, never-ending hallucinations of people you and I can't see hurting them and abusing them over and over, day in and day out. Or you could be right. It could be drug use. They could be self-medicating to escape those hallucinations. Or self-medicating to escape the awful memories of traumatic experiences and horrible present circumstances. Or they could just be an addict. One stupid, adolescent moment where they tried to fit in or escape might have lead them down the path to an addiction that grips them so hard it has enveloped their life and caused them to lose people they love and live in a way no one would intentionally choose.

I was once in an eating establishment near my office downtown having a sandwich for lunch with a friend, where some weary hellfire and damnation missionaries were breaking from handing out their leaflets of bad news, and having a little chat about the homeless people they had observed on the streets that day. The woman loudly voiced the opinion that these durn homeless people simply needed to get a job, and support themselves, instead of living off the charity of others. Because, in her mind, what was keeping these people homeless was laziness. Imagine, if you will, Holliberry watching in horror intermingled with pride as said friend confronted this hypocritical woman and told her she had no right to judge, and that she exhibited a stupendous amount of ignorance in her loudly shared opinions. Also there were other things said. I was quite proud as I edged my way out the door because confrontation is scary.

I'm not saying this isn't a compelling video. For people who may not have contact with homeless people in any real or meaningful way, it could help open their mind at least a little to the idea that homeless people are human beings with talents and personalities and opinions and childhood memories and aspirations just like we all are. Where the “viral” status gets silly is where people think that they "advocate" for homeless people by sharing this video, or commenting on it. At least, it's silly if that's the one and only effort they make for the year before turning their thoughts to whether to play with their new phone app or watch Survivor Season 50 on demand. (And yes, I’m bitter I have neither option.) Try acknowledging someone who is clearly homeless, instead of whispering behind their back, ignoring them when they try to talk to you, insulting them, or staring at them like they're the latest exhibit at your local zoo, or the most repulsive sight you’ve ever seen. Give them that piece of dignity. They’ll appreciate that even more than the bars of soap you donated to the shelter that one time.