Saturday, June 25, 2011

Smart People Movies

I've been scouring my Netflix options for good documentaries. The goal is to show mentally stimulating, insightful, entertaining documentaries. As a result I have the suspicion I will be watching quite a few documentaries in the coming month or so. I have come up with a cajillion that have very good potential. Who knew there were so many out there! On the top of my list:

1. After Innocence: A look at convicted prisoners released from jail after being cleared by DNA evidence. I am actually watching it right now. I feel like it could be better.

2. Exit Through the Gift Shop: All about underground street art and street artist Banksy, who does stencil art and is all kinds of famous or something.

3. Food, Inc.: Looking at effect of food industry on our health and environment. Because my sister reeeeeeally wants me to watch it. And I suppose I should educate myself on food and junk.

4. No Impact Man: A man and wife and baby try to make no impact on the environment for a year. That's some dedication.

5. Murderball: About Rugby-playing quadriplegics at the paralympics. Sounds hardcore.

6. Good Hair: Chris Rock looks at African-American hair and the views surrounding what is "good hair" and how women get it. I hear it's super good.

There are quite a few on my list. We watched Rize last week, which is about Krumping and Clowning (dance movements) in LA. Quite interesting. I've got quite a few historical ones on my list, because I like a good historical education. Those might be more for my interest than ones that will be contenders for our summer documentary series...

Do you have any favorites?

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Happy Ballpoint Pen Day

It's important to have reasons in life to celebrate. Today (er, Sunday, which starts in five minutes), I'm celebrating ballpoint pens. I shall use one to take notes in church, to doodle when I am not listening in church, and to underline things in my lesson manual at church. It's going to be an exciting day!

Other days I am looking forward to celebrating this year:
1. Raggedy Ann and Andy Day on June 12th-13th (which doesn't really make sense because that is TWO days, people!)
2. Magna Carta Day on June 15th. I think we all celebrate this one, don't we?
3. National Flip-Flop Day on June 17th. An ode to footwear or wishy-washiness? Hmmm... I can't decide.
4. International Fairy Day on June 24th. Because fairies are pretty!
5. Great American Backyard Camp Out Day on June 25th. Should be interesting in the backyard of my apartment...
6. International Cherry Pit Spitting Day on July 2nd.
7. Compliment Your Mirror day on July 3rd. (Who's a pretty mirror? YOU are a pretty mirror.)
8. Indivisible Day on July 4th. Which would have been more fun the first way I read it, which was INVISIBLE Day.
9. Don't Step on a Bee Day on July 10th. My feet feel so safe on that day!
10. Cow Appreciation Day on July 10th. Mooooooo.
11. Barbie-in-a-blender Day on July 27th. Oh, the traditions! Just thinking about this day brings on the nostalgia!
12. Take Your Houseplant for a Walk day, also on July 27th. Truly a busy, busy day.
13. Particularly Preposterous Packaging Day on August 7th. Oh, the fun we have on this day!
14. Sneak Some Zucchini onto Your Neighbor's Porch Night on August 8th.
15. Hug Your Boss Day on August 19th, which I first read to be BUG Your Boss Day. I'm instituting Bug Your Boss Day at my work. We're trailblazers.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Catsup or Ketchup? That Is the Question.

I have been pondering a deep question. Ketchup or Catsup? And what's more, why on earth do we have two choices? I googled it, and while the answer is not from wikipedia, which would make it the definitive answer, I found a little info here.

My conclusion? It is clearly meant to be ketchup. Because saying "cat-sup" is akin to saying schedule all british-like, "shhhhedule." Like nails on a chalkboard. Or, since that noise does not get to me as much, like styrofoam against styrofoam. Ugh. Hate that noise.