Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Thank You Very Much (queue Scrooge soundtrack here)

“To speak gratitude is courteous and pleasant, to enact gratitude is generous and noble, but to live gratitude is to touch Heaven.” ~Johannes A. Gaertner

Deep thoughts.

I feel like this is a true statement. What is the difference between enacting gratitude and living gratitude? I've been thinking long and hard about this for the last five minutes, and I have concluded that the difference is that enacting gratitude could be a one-time act like sending a thank you card, which is a very nice thing, and not to be pooh-poohed (thank you thesaurus), while living gratitude is about an everyday attitude or approach to life. I have not learned how to live gratitude. Sometimes I have thoughtful moments and I enact it. Why, just the other day I made a list of people to thank. I consider this a great accomplishment.

How can we live gratitude? I have come up with the following so far:
1. Gratitude journal (thank you, Oprah)
2. Take friends out for cheesecake to thank them for bein' a friend. I'll let you go first.
3. ...

Yeah, that's all I got. Clearly I'm theees close to living gratitude. Anybody got any thoughts on things I could add to my exhaustive list above?

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