Saturday, May 22, 2010

Crazy Chicks!

Remember Little Fluff?

He had an accident (he might possibly have jumped off the oven range into a greasey pan), so I got a new little fluff.

And then that Little Fluff did the same thing into K's dinner. I think they need some mental health evaluation.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Clean. Clean. Clean.

So my closet shelf fell down a few weeks ago. See the lovely picture above and imagine my delight at that moment when I heard the loud CRASH. I might possibly have had too much weight on it at some point. But I totally had pared it down and there wasn't as much up there. I'm not saying I procrastinate or anything, but I totally just avoided my closet for several weeks. You know, instead of investigating the damage and picking things up. That's what I call stress management, my friends.

Since everything is hanging out on the floor for a while (until I find the motivation to go get the piece that broke from the hardware store and/or sucker my Daddy into fixing it for me), I have been taking the opportunity to identify things I can purge. A couple things I know:

1. I was overdue for cleaning out my financial records. How do I know? Because I had every paper related to financial aid and employment from the time I started in college on. It's been ten years since I graduated from college. More later on how old I feel.

2. I have a holiday decoration buying illness. I blame it on my mother. I think I have four boxes labeled Christmas. For people who have, you know, houses, and a children, and stuff, that's not that much. But I really haven't even gotten around to even getting it out in recent years. Still can't bring myself to get rid of anymore. I've already reduced it by several boxes. That was during my last purging, when I was unemployed.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

If My Cell Phone Could Sing Me a Song...

I just got a new cell phone. FINALLY. I might possibly have had a terrible string of luck when it came to cell phones and... well... doors. Car doors. And so for the last half year or so I have been using a loaner phone courtesy of Alice. Now I have a pretty shiney new phone, and I hereby vow that it will not get slammed in a car door. Or really any door. I feel that this is a sensible plan.

What I DO need to do for my phone is find it a good ring tone. One that really expresses who I am. You know, At the Core. Here's the ones I've thought of so far:

1. Love Stinks, by J. Geils Band. And so it goes 'til the day you die.
2. Carry Out, by Timbaland (Featuring Justin Timberlake). Because nothing is more romantic than "take my order 'cause your body's like a carryout." And I like me some romance.
3. Nothin' On You, by B.O.B., because I AM the whole package, plus I pay my taxes. (Best lyrics of the year, btw.)
4. Or maybe I'll just get a Hoops and Yoyo ringtone.