Wednesday, August 31, 2011

My Favorite Color is Red.

So I painted my toenails red. I thought about posting a picture. Even took a picture. But do you know what body part is ugly? Toes. You don't get to see mine. I don't like them. But they are pretty. And red.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Happiness is...

1. Smelling old books. And reading them. In the park, if possible.

2. Grilled sandwich with sprouts, tomato, and avocado, with more avocado on the side. And also eating it on my homemade pottery is fun too.

This concludes 30 Days of Fun Day 2.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Joy, Happiness, and all that Rot

So, my friend Dizzle has been posting on MyFace about fun things in her life that bring her joy in big and little ways. She is calling it her thirty days of fun. Also, to give credit where credit is due, she got it from Mighty Girl. Dizzle has inspired me, which is amazing considering my current all-encompassing apathy. I shall try to post things each day that I am doing that are fun or that bring me joy.This might be very hard for me. I do not believe it will count to say "walked to the park" every day. Shoot. I might have to widen my lens and junk and do things outside of my little routine I got going here. Yes, that was poor grammar. I put it there just for you, Dizzle.

So my happy thing for today?

Reading Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows in the sunshine in the park after work. I walked there. There was fresh air and sunshine and exercise and all kinds of healthy things involved.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Camp Attire 101

When camping, it is important to look your best. You never know when the paparazi will show up. It may look like Auntie Holliberry, but...

To dress up a day look for the evening campfire, a side ponytail is always in good taste. Some call it retro. Nothing like a shout out to the eighties. People liked camping then. It was huge. Like Madonna or Cyndi Lauper huge.

In the evening, when the bugs come out and threaten to mar those runway legs, denim is fitting. Just throw on that pair of jeans and let your campfire chic shine through.

It's important to put on your face at camp. Use the resources around you to enhance your natural features.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Elementary, My Dear Reader.

I ran a week of day camp again this summer. This year, we did a mystery theme.
I thought about dressing up and then decided to just go as me. With my regular pipe and hat and all.
And then I found Waldo. He was lurking in the woods waiting to hand out lollipops to the lucky children who find him. Fun... or creepy? You decide.
Again, on secret identity day, I thought about wearing a disguise but decided to just do me. I think it was a wise decision. PS, no, I do not know what those marks are on my chin and cheek. Possibly lunch. It was probably very good.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Two Things:

1. I hate TMobile. Now that they've sold out to Sprint or whoever they sold out to, their customer service sucks. I asked to speak to a representative because my question did not fit into their categories, and their system is litterally programmed to hang up on you if you don't give them a reason it can understand. So it did. Twice. I finally got someone, and it is clear they are outsourcing and the person I was talking to did not understand my question. Even when I rephrased. About five different ways. Awesome. Now to figure out how to get out of the contract....

2. There are strange men creeping about today. One came up and asked to borrow my cell phone while I was sitting in the park because his friends had stood him up and he wanted to call "some people." Um.... no. Then, as I'm walking home, two guys in a little black car rolled up across the crosswalk I'm crossing to get my attention. Hi, creepy guys. Thanks for wavin' at me. I guess I can't help it if I'm cute. I'm not wearing makeup today and I'm pretty sure I have puffy eyes (allergies, not crying). So, you know, I'm looking really hot.

Some day I'm going to start posting posts with one solid thought behind it again. Maybe when I get my shiny new computer....

Friday, August 12, 2011

Holliberry News Update

If you haven't talked to me lately, here's a few updates:

1. I bought a computer. It's a Dell. It's being shipped to me.
2. I went to my first Torchlight Parade in Seattle. I will post pictures after my new computer gets here and I can download the ten million pictures on my memory card.
3. My memory card on my camera is full. I have not taken any off for a long time, since my computer died and all. I have pictures of cute nieces and nephews, other family members, the parade, day camp, a camping trip with Alice and the wee little ones (although they are trying to be not little. It's quite aggravating).
4. I ran a week of day camp. You know, for recreation, since I took vacation to do it. I might post some pictures from that, too. We'll see how good you are.
5. I have reread six of the seven Harry Potter books this summer. Living alone is quiet. I'm just saying.