Wednesday, September 28, 2011


For Day 21 of my 30 days of fun, I watched the season premiere of Fringe.

I am just telling you now, if you watch Fringe and have not yet watched the premiere, I'm about to give a spoiler.

You've been warned.

I'm just saying.

Don't blame me.

I am twenty minutes in and I have not seen Peter. For crying out loud! He is the eye candy and the levity. Siiiigh. Even with Walter I am not sufficiently entertained. If this goes on for more than this episode, I might have to stop watching and catch up when I know he's back. I was hoping during the big fight scene that maybe Olivia would have some good old head trauma and maybe remember something.  But no. All we get is a few reflections. Argh.

Favorite line? "I know what it's like to have a hole in my life. It's been there as long as I can remember."


There, doesn't that sound fun?

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Sick Bed Fun

I woke up sick this morning. Good times.

So we had some low key fun today. For my fun, I have been watching a fabulously silly show that, sadly, only had ten episodes. It's the ABCFamily Drama The Ten Lives of Chloe King. It's about a 16  year old girl who discovers that she is imbued with powers that pretty much make her... Cat Woman. And there are other cat people. And they bring some mythology into it and it's a whole thing where people are trying to take away her nine lives. WHY was there only one season? I don't understand.

Because I can't just be sick like a normal person, I have spent the last two hours craving all kinds of food. I really want some Taco Time. Or a tuna melt. Or a cheese quesadilla. Also I still feel like I'm going to puke each time I eat. So that's a fun combo.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Day 19

Today I had my first meeting of the year with my cute teenagers for Camp Fire. We meet monthly. This was the first time I've seen most of them since May, possibly April. They are a great group of kids and remind me why I loved working with kids in my last job, and that I was a little good at it sometimes. I have pictures, but I am not posting them here because they are minors and I did not get permission. But they are cute, and they had fun.

Weekend O' Fun

I need to catch up. Rest assured that I have been having fun. I have just been too lazy to post about it. 

On Friday, for day 16, I walked to the park after work and read a book, while lying on a bench. This was my view: 

On Saturday, for day 17, I went to the Puyallup Fair with Alice and her kiddos! LOVE this fair. I had yummy fair food, got my fill of cute kiddos, and walked enough that my calves are still a wee bit sore.I failed to take my camera, so no pictures of cuties or fair food. But here's the cow outside on the entrance...

On Sunday, for day 18, I had a lazy day and did very little. There are no pictures of this. :D

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Cupcake Tokens and Lima Beans

I had Lima Beans with my dinner tonight. Have I ever told you how much I loooove Lima Beans? I do.
Also, today one of my volunteers who has also become a friend brought by a cupcake for me to make up for the fact she's stood me up on scheduled volunteer time several times now. Score! So I had a german chocolate cupcake this evening after dinner.

Thirdly, I am watching Newsies, a triumphant chronicling of the News Boys strike of 1900 something.... With singing and dancing, of course. Note the star, Christian Bale, in the center in the blue shirt. Such a good flick. I highly recommend it.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Castle and Cookies!

Watching the season premiere of one of my VERY favorite shows and eating some Otis Spunkmeyer cookies freshly baked in my new oven. It's a good night. 

Monday, September 19, 2011

Good Food with My Old Boss :)

Today my fun thing was having dinner with my old boss at Chinook's. She was surprised to hear that I had never been there. I have not. I had a lovely salmon burger for dinner, with fries. There was also bread. I love me some bread. I am quite full now.

I'm contemplating baking myself some cookies tonight. But that involves all sorts of effort. Like getting up, and finding the cookie sheet, and preheating the oven. Hmmm... Or I could just eat a frozen cookie dough chunk. That also sounds nice.  

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Drama with Mama

My fun thing for today is that I watched part of Wives and Daughters with my mama and we ate hot cherry pie. Mmmmmm.

Saturday, September 17, 2011


Today my fun thing is that I am puppy sitting. My friends are out of town and I am watching their three dogs. They are darn cute and have given me all kinds of love today. I would post pictures but they are not feeling very photogenic right now. Maybe later.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

I Love Cookies. And Costco

Today my fun thing was I went to Costco. Seriously. It's fun. The only time Costco isn't fun is when people get in my way or the lines are too long when I am hungry. I'm not a big fan of the crowds so I don't generally enjoy Costco on a Saturday.

Sweet Discovery® imageIn honor of my new oven, I got me some Otis Spunkmeyer cookie dough. It is now installed safely in my freezer. I am sooooo excited. There is also a large bag of shredded cheese which will get frozen in smaller bags so that my poor, lactose-intolerant tummy can take it in small doses and it won't mold before I get to use most of it. Mmmmm. I see quesadillas in my future. I consider it a successful trip to Costco.  

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Me and My Dizzle

For day ten of my 30 days of fun, I had dinner with my Dizzle. She came to my house and kidnapped me and we went and had all kinds of goodness at our favorite local restaurant. I heart my Dizzle. It was the perfect ending to my day.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


I'm so excited. And I just can't hide it.

Today my landlord had my new oven installed. It doesn't burn things unless, you know, you actually leave it in too long. And it heats to the actual temperature you set it at. AND it has a timer you can set. AND it has an oven light. AND it has a self-cleaning setting.

These are the things that thrill me.

Monday, September 12, 2011

For day number whatever day this is of fun, I watched Dr. Horrible's Sing-along Blog. If I could make this blog into a musical in honor of this epic web-show, I would. This is just one more reason I love NPH and Nathan Fillion. If you have not watched it I am sad for you. If you HAVE watched, then you understand fully how everyone's a hero in their own way.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Food is Fun.

Going by the number of days posted instead of calendar days, since I skipped, this is day seven of my 30 days of Fun. Wouldn't want to cheat myself out of any days of fun!

Today, I took myself out for a yummy dinner. I went here:

I will just say: mmmmmm.

 I had:

Fresh spinach, artichoke hearts and jalepenos mixed in a creamy 
cheese sauce then baked to perfection. Served with house-made tortilla chips.


Grilled Cuban sandwich with Black Forest ham, turkey, BBQ pulled pork and 
pepperoni piled on our hoagie roll with spicy B-town brown mustard, dill 
pickles, swiss cheese and grilled until golden brown.

Don't worry. I did not eat it all. I have some yummy leftovers that will be calling to me after church tomorrow.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Food is Fun.

Today my fun thing is  I went out to lunch here:


Thursday, September 8, 2011

Back in the Saddle of Happiness.

Okay, I fell off the happy bandwagon for a few days there. We won't discuss here why.

My fun thing for today is that I started an account at pinterest. If you would like to email me privately I'll tell you how to find me. I don't have that much up on my boards, but I am entertained by the principle. I like to think it can be a goal setting device, a hobby tracker, and a filing system. I can put up things like places I want to travel in the future, right alongside my favorite books and recipes I want to try later. Also since you pin things by picture, it's really pretty to look at. All the stunning pictures make you want to fulfill your goals and bake yummy things and stuff.

Confession: I didn't actually start the pinterest account today. I started it a few days ago. But, hey, I'm getting back on the bandwagon and in the saddle and all that junk. Don't judge me.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Free Smartness...

Today I decided that I need to do what I've been meaning to do forever.


Teehee. That was a joke. I promise, my sister SusieQ. :)

I have been meaning to look for online courses to take. BYU has had some available for years. Yes, my alma mater is that cool. It started out as just free religious courses, but they have expanded. Twice in the past I have enrolled for online, self-paced religion classes. And then forgotten about it for so long I forgot my log in and password. Now they have even more classes than just religious. My favorite one is the one that is simply "Honesty." I've been meaning to learn how to be honest. This could be my chance. Also there is an online bowling course. Fortunately, I took the live one at BYU. But I'm sure an online course would greatly improve my skills.... Even better, there are a few spelling courses. Just what I've been looking for!

MIT also has some course notes, etc online for the general public's perusal. Fancy. I could get super smart. If I can focus that long. I tried to start reading through one of the management psychology ones tonight. Yeah. Not that focused. But still... I could get all smart that way.

I also cleaned out my car and unpacked a box. I do not call this "fun," however, it does feel nice when I put things in order. So I will count it for this post. Kind of a nerdy day of fun, but there you have it.