Monday, July 14, 2008

Hello, You Beautiful Creature, You

There are rules that accompany the privelege and responsibilities of owning a phone.

First, if you call and leave a message, you are required to wait for the reciprocant of the message to return your phone call. You have put the ball in his or her court. The loop hole? The first time you call, don't leave a message. Wait a few hours, and then try again. You can either leave a message, or wait a few hours and call a third time. If you hold out till the third call, you should definitely leave a message. Because four calls just looks like stalking. Which brings me to my second point.

If you call, and leave a message, and then call, and leave another message, don't get online and post a message on MyFace asking if they got your messages. Catch a clue. Unless you are old friends with the person. Then there is the potential for immunity. But if you just met the person, show some restraint.

Thirdly, if you have received a message, you have a maximum of 48 hours to return the call before it just looks like you are just dodging the call. Unless you can play the "I was really sick" card, or the "I was on vacation" card. Otherwise we all know that you didn't call back because you suck, and for no other reason.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hahahaha! I soooooooooo agree with this!!!! Some people are just too anxious and that is a HUGE turn-off! (not that this has EVER happened to me, particularly recently!) ;-) -K