Come into my happy place and hear me vent, ramble, and reflect on the Important Things in Life.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Things to Do When You Have Your Computer
1. Download the pictures of my battle wounds from falling down extra scrapy wood stairs face first onto extra firm cement so I can blog about it.
2. Download the weekly free tracks from Amazon if I so choose (I usually don't, but sometimes there is a treasure).
3. Check up on all my blog feeds.
4. Instant Message K on MyFace when she is in her room and I am in mine. Communication is key to strong friendships.
5. Watch the episodes (mostly finales) I missed of Castle, Cupid (I can't believe they cancelled it!), Harper's Island, Lie to Me, Dollhouse, and Fringe online. Be quiet, that's only 6. The other ones have already had their season finales.
6. Check the 2009 Fall Schedule and figure out which new shows are going to redeem the fact that they CANCELLED Pushing Daisies, Eli Stone, and Samantha Who. What is wrong with them? I will tell you one thing: Trauma is bound to be pointless. Has NBC forgotten they just barely got rid of the long dying ER? Now they need to replace it with another hospital ER show, because there are so few out there? Blech.
7. Clean out my email. Because I'm in a purging mood.
8. Check my New Year's Resolution to see how badly I failed. I had huge goals this year, so I"m sure I"m failing big. But the thing with goals is that you can't just give up and say you failed because you dropped the ball. You have to pick it back up and keep trying. So all you anti-resolution people just need to know that you are going at it wrong, and I am going at it right. Don't you feel educated now?
9. Learn to do more things on my computer. My favorite IT guy told me about it as his contribution to my job search. I can download a trial version or play with the online test drive. I know there are little things I can do with these programs I have never tried. Woohoo! I'm home-schoolin'.
10. Go Hunting for free books!
Oh, the joys that are to be had!
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Truer Words Were Never Spoken, Casey!
Person who knows me: Hey, Holliberry, how've you been.
Holliberry: Oh, hanging in there. I got laid off.
Person who knows me: Oh, that's a bummer. Let me tell you about how I have a job and I think you should be a day camp counselor....
That last part is a topic for another time....
Anyhoo, my epiphany was that Casey was totally right about something. People totally do that. And right now I define myself by my employment status. If you've talked to me lately you know that. But then again, other people define me by that right now too. Don't deny it. You asked me how the job search was coming the last time you talked to me, didn't you? Or you asked how that interview went, and had I heard...? (The answer is no, I have not)
So maybe I should think about THAT. I didn't listen to the next part of his sermon. I think his point was, or at least mine would be, that I should be defined by my faith, and what I believe, and that will keep me balanced and help me deal with my problems. Just a guess. It just got me thinking. So, thanks, Casey!
*By the way, you can totally keep asking me about my job. And sending me referrals. And chocolate. And checks/cash/credit cards/funding for trips to Europe. Just don't tell me I should be a camp counselor at $9 an hour, thereby acknowleding that you still don't think my last job was "real," and that I have no professional skills despite the fact that I've been in the professional non-profit world for 9 years, and managed the programs for the entire South end of the county, and mostly worked with adults. Because I will have to de-friend you, as they say in the MyFace world. Also, if you suggest that I work for that other girls organization, I shall have to bludgeon you about the head. If that's possible. Can you bludgeon about the head, or does it only work to do it directly to the head?
It appears that the other post is no longer necessary. Phew. Glad I got that off my chest.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
I was a fool to ever leave your side. Me minus you is such a lonely ride. The breakup we had has made me lonesome and sad. I realize I love you 'cause I want you bad. Hey. Hey.
Regret the moment that I let you go. Our quarrel was such a way of learnin' so much. I know now that I love you 'cause I need your touch. Hey. Hey.
Reunited and it feels so goodReunited 'cause we understood there's one perfect fit and, sugar, this one is it. We both are so excited 'cause we're reunited. Hey. Hey.
I sat here starin' at the same old wall. Came back to life just when I got your call. I wished I could climb right through the telephone line and give you what you want so you will still be mine. Hey. Hey.
* And that, my friends, is an example of Easy Listening. Always appropriate in the right circumstances, but not my first love.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Sentences That Will Get Me Hired
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Competing in This Difficult Job Market
Nationwide this year all pools have new codes in affect in which we are waiting
now for King County to pass their added specifics to the already in place new
nationwide codes.
So now I am despairing. How will I ever compete in this job market.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
I'm a Lying Liar
I can't say it. It's too horendous....
I mean, I can take that you think I would love Capture the Flag above all other games (to this day I don't know the rules), and that you think that I want to meet Patrick Dempsey above all other celebrities (he was number two, since he is my boyfriend). But seriously? SERIOUSLY?
Apparently you and I need to have a talk about the music selections I choose to post on here from Youtube and what place they have in my life.
I mean, Easy Listening? You know that is elevator music, right? What crack are you all smoking? I hope that you were all trying to be funny.
FYI, I would say my favorite all-time bands would include:
1. U2
2. Boston (if you don't know why it's over for reals)
3. possibly Counting Crows
4. Jet
5. Cake
I think I might have to be through with you. That is all.
Except to say that almost all of you are convinced that I would like "for a good cause" or "if there is chocolate involved." Have I taught you nothing? Lying is bad. I despise lying. Siiiigh. I feel so misunderstood. I'm going to go get me some chocolate to go with my Lactaid.
Monday, May 18, 2009
One Way or Another I'm Gonna Find Ya
Now, before you go freaking out that personal information about you is probably posted about you on the web, and everyone is going to steal your identity and stalk you, let me assure you that the majority of you really didn't have much available. You might want to search your name, though. I'm kind of sad because so far I have not run across any criminal records for any of you yet. I did run across a few criminal records on google when I searched random people a while ago, so in that way google is a more fun way to look people up.
I do find this tool fascinating. By just entering in one of my former co-worker's name (chosen because her name is unique), I learned four things:
1. Where she works, and what her job title is.
2. That she is a member of the ALA (American Library Association).
3. That she and her husband donated to the public library in 2006 (very cool).
4. That she spoke at a city council meeting in 2006.
See, that's not so creepy, and very interesting. If I were looking to hire her, this might be good information.
Searching my name produces very little, outside of that blasted directory that WILL get taken down permanently if I have to throw bananas at her till she figures out how not to post things online.
Other fun things I learned:
1. One of my friends was quoted in an article in 2006 because she got a shot to protect her from the HPV virus (and then requoted in an article online disputing the findings about the vaccine cited in the first article).
2. One of my past coworkers I lost track with is living in Seattle and working at a senior center. And she still looks the same. There was a picture.
3. You can sometimes find obituaries this way. I found my brother-in-law's father's obituary. It was very nice.
4. If you want to know how to hide on the internet, ask my big sister. She has hardly any listings even though she's got a very unique name. There is someone with her exact name in Cornwall, though. I found that interesting.
5. I've done a good job of keeping my email addresses off the internet.
I hope that you have learned something new today. I know I have.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Just Say No To Celibacy
I have every respect for these men who have devoted their life to God. The majority of them are doing their best to keep themselves pure and focused on a life of serving God. They teach, they serve, and they advocate for the souls of men and women. I understand the principle behind their dedication to celibacy. That being said, I personally believe that a man can be holy, serve God with all his heart, AND be married. I actually believe that marriage can enhance his life and further his efforts. Marriage is a partnership, and hopefully the ultimate friendship. To have a partner, who believes what you believe, and works towards what you work toward with you, can only help you succeed all the more. In my church, we have a lay priesthood, meaning that they are not paid, and for the most part have other jobs outside of their church duties. For married couples, each person might have their own duties, or calling, but they support each other in those endeavors. I don't believe that God intended for us to be alone, in this life or the life that follows. The craving to be loved and love others is a good one, and God provided us with ways to address that yearning. Marriage is consecrated by God, and I believe he provided it to us for our ultimate happiness. Those who hold the priesthood are entitled to the blessings that marriage can bring along with every other faithful person. Those are my thoughts on the subject. What are your thoughts?
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Why You Gotta Be a Service Hater?
I think of my current seniors who are leaving me soon. I love them all, and they are all amazing, independent, smart, accomplished young women. My mind is drawn to one who, when I met her, was a sweetly sarcastic little 6th grader. Her parents had taught her to always offer to help, and to be positive and friendly. Through the years I have always been able to count on her and her little sister (who I get to keep for a while longer) to be the first (and sometimes only) kids at events to offer to help me set up, to carry things to and from my car, to clean up, and in general to just be super helpful. When I first met her I'm pretty sure she would not have gotten up front in a room full of people and given an impromptu speech, or instinctively spoken up as the leader in a group of her peers. As she has grown, I have seen amazing talents emerge. I can call on her at a moments notice to welcome a group of children and their parents to an event. I can ask her to help make every teenager at an event feel as though they belong, and know that she will automatically welcome new people, get to know them, and in general make them excited to be there. I also know that I can tell her that she needs to plan a weekend event for over 100 people, line up 20 or 30 workshops, assign each participant to 4 workshops that interest them personally, plan a theme (complete with decorations and an evening program for the whole group), produce a packet of information for each group, welcome arriving participants, make announcements throughout the weekend, and field any complaints or problems from both adults and her peers, and she would know without a doubt that she could do it. Not only that, but she would do it amazingly well, and difficult people who always find things to complain about would lavish praise on her. I know this because she has done all these things. Had I told her as a 6th grader that this was my vision for her, she might have laughed at me. But her experiences with volunteers who love her, and as a volunteer herself (not to discount some incredible parenting or the things she drew from her high school classes) led her down a path that gave her the opportunities to develop those talents.
That is just one example of why someone might spend "all that time" volunteering. Not only does it warm my heart as an adult who has worked with her (although I can't technically say I've volunteered with her, for the most part, having been staff for the majority of her youth), but I also know that she gained skills through volunteering. I can also give you countless examples of adults I have worked with who I've seen grow through their volunteer work; adults who didn't think they could do something found that they actually had a knack for it, and that they enjoyed it. They gained a skill or two, and they learned something new about themselves. In addition to all this skill-building, I've seen strong friendships form between volunteers (both youth and adults) who would not have crossed paths had it not been for their volunteer duties in Camp Fire.
So to recap, volunteering has the following benefits:
1. You get warm fuzzy feelings.
2. You can gain new skills (these can even go on your resume, people).
3. You can learn new things about yourself.
4. You can make new friends.
I know there are other benefits, but those are my top four. And that is why I am still volunteering for Camp Fire. So stop scolding and go find your own opportunity.
Friday, May 15, 2009
To Wear or Not To Wear...
I like to stay up on imporant world news, so I frequently check the news on Today, there is a story posted regarding some controversy at a Florida High School. A sixteen year-old girl apparently chose to go commando the day of club pictures. She had a cute little green dress on, and claims she was concerned about unsightly lines. This week, when the seniors received their yearbooks, people were quick to observe that she had gone commando, since she was seated in the first row of a club picture. It sounds like it's arguable if you can see anything, but still, mortifying.
The mom is understandably upset, and the girl in question is horrified, as you can imagine. Mom is demanding that the school collect all the yearbooks, not distribute anymore, and reprint them all. I'm willing to bet that will not happen. I don't know what the budget for a yearbook printing would be, but I seem to recall I paid upwards of 20 dollars for each of my high school yearbooks. So multiply that by your whole student body and that's a lot of money to come up with. Added to that, there will inevitably be seniors who won't surrender the original copy. Some will want it because they think it is funny, and some will have already had their friends sign their yearbooks. Even if they could find a way to force all the seniors to surrender the yearbook, some dink will probably make a photo copy. Or scan it in and post it somewhere, if that hasn't already happened.
I feel for this girl. I really do. Studies show that teenagers, even the ones who carry themselves like adults, are still developing some of their decision making skills, and they don't always use common sense. Embarrasing things are bound to happen. I'm sure you can think of a thing or two you did in high school that you hope people have forgotten by now. Imagine having it in print (I am hoping for your sake it is not), or worse, posted on the internet.
This incident is the last straw. My friends, I must insist that we have an underwear awareness workshop for all teenage girls. My message would be as follows: Paris and Lindsay may do it, but it's not cool, girls! You know from their experience what happens when you combine going commando, a dress, and a camera; learn from that! I don't know if you are aware of this, but they make underwear appropriate for hiding unsightly lines. This is what we need to educate our girls about. Also, even then, let's learn how to sit like a lady.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Charlie Charlie Charlie Charlie Charlie!
It's like going on an adventure...
Sunday, May 10, 2009
And Now It's Time to Listen to Les Mis.
While Susan's voice is lovely, I was not giddy over the video as many people seem to be. Mostly it just made me want to dig out my Les Mis CD. Also I guess that I just don't care that Simon was surprised. If you watch the American Idol tryouts at the beginning of the cycle, you know that some of the pretty people shouldn't sing, and some of the crazy-looking people can sing. This is not a new thing. And that was not the first time I've seen Simon surprised.
Also, what was up with the two guys back stage? Britain, you may have talent, but you have annoying hosts as well.
*Is that redundant? Viral video and circulating like wildfire? Is that saying the same thing twice? These are the things I ponder on a Sunday evening. I'm almost convinced it is, but still slightly too lazy to rewrite that sentence.
Friday, May 8, 2009
Oh, I Had a Little Chicky and It Made me a Blanket... (and other fun camp tunes)
I am a Camp Fire-aholic. You thought YouTube was bad? Oh, no. I dreamt about Camp Fire last night (it had to do with picketing and cake, that's all I'm saying for now). I sometimes chat with my former coworker at one in the morning online and say things like "make sure to contact (volunteer) because I was helping her with (issue) and she might panic when she hears I got laid off." I am that freakish. My point is this: My name is Holliberry and I am a volunteer for Camp Fire. They should have groups for this. Actually come to think of it, they do. And I used to staff their meetings. But I digress.
When I was
mind was my little teenagers. They are like baby chickens that were about to leave the nest. They had learned how to tweet, and even how to feed themselves, and, okay, they could do things without me, but they were fluffy and sweet and they had these little beaks that...
Um... what was I talking about? Oh, Camp Fire. Anyways, I realized that the High School kids that I worked with only met on a monthly basis. Once a month. And that's only during the school year. So I could totally do that, right? Yes! I could! So, while I still tear up from time to time over my chicks (I believe the term "chickens" is copyrighted by Dizzle, so note the quaint shortening of the term), I mean teenagers, I at least am consolable, because I get to see them!
So at my last meeting, which was my first meeting as a Volunteer Advisor, versus a paid advisor, a few of my girls presented me with the softest, most fluffiest, most nicest blanket. That had Kermit on it. Because they love me too. They were so excited to present it to me, and I just HAPPENED to be wearing my newest Kermit shirt from Disney world, being that I am a volunteer now, and didn't have to be dressed all professional-like, and could wear a comfy t-shirt and jeans.
I know that you are jealous. I know that you wish YOU had sweet teenagers who would make you things like Kermit blankets (not to mention windows!). I guess you will just have to start volunteering.
P.S. The thing that fills my heart with glee about this post? That possibly the formatting will drive K nuts, because it's a little wonky, and her yearbook editor's eye will see the flaws. That's whatcha get when ya mock the YouTube, missy. Also, the title. What? It's supposed to make sense? It does. IN MY MIND.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
And Then the Little Chicky Had Other Little Chickies
Yes I am regressing. This is what unemployment does to you.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
4, 3, 2, 1 or Why Some Bands Just... Shouldn't
I keep seeing this commercial:
And then the song gets stuck in my head. I want it. And the real version. The Peter Schilling 1980's version, not this crappy one. I have not been able to find it anywhere. Apparently it's not sold anywhere anymore? Which is lame. First one to get me a copy that's burnable/syncable to my mp3 player wins.... um.... my friendship and a cookie?
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Spring Has Sprung!
So I keep hearing people say "where is Spring?" I have experienced over 25 springs in the Pacific Northwest. I have not been surprised by the amount of rain this year, and I'm a little perplexed by the fact that other people--people who have lived in this lovely state for quite a few years--seem surprised by the weather we've been having. Take today. It rained. A lot. The streets are all shiny, and it smells like rain, instead of wet pavement. Apparently some would not classify this as Spring weather. But I looked up the definition of Spring. Season followed by winter: check. Budding trees: check. Growing plants: check. Onset of warmer weather: check.
Fifty-eight degrees may not be HIGH, but I think we can all agree that it is warmer than the temperature needed to produce the numerous snow storms we experienced this winter.
Is it hot weather? No. Consistently sunny? No. But this is not Summer. And if it were consistently hot and sunny right now, two things would be happening that would make me crabby. One: people would complain about how hot it is. Two: Things would bloom early, the snow would melt too fast, the rivers would swell even more, we would have floods in the flood plains, and then this summer we would have a drought. Okay, that's kind of more than two things. But my point is this. People, stop complaining about the weather. No matter what the weather is people find a down side. I personally enjoy the moisture. It's what makes this particular corner of the state lush and green all summer long instead of yellow and gross. Our environment is also what makes it so that we aren't breathing in poisonous yuckiness, otherwise known as smog.
P.S. I'm playing around with publishing more pictures, since SOME PEOPLE seem to think I'm a youtube-aholic, and I am trying to tip that scale. Also my super secret spies tell me you don't click on my youtube videos. Whatever. Your loss. Doesn't mean I'm not going to still post them. Because if I can enrich just one life, my mission is complete. Also, does this green font make my blog look fat?
Monday, May 4, 2009
Ok, NOW You've Convinced Me It's a Quality Movie.
As an example, I present to you the trailer for the new Star Trek movie. Notice anything slightly out of place and, um, stupid about that trailer? I actually am kind of excited to see this movie. It looks like it was well made, and having an older brother who always brought home the SciFi movies (not to mention a sister who watched Star Trek every Saturday night at one period in her life), I have an appreciation for Star Trek. What doesn't fit into my idea of what a Star Trek trailer might look like in this day and age is the creepy shot of Captain James T. Kirk (we don't know if he's the captain at that point, but still) hiding under a bed watching a star fleet officer take off her uniform to reveal her undergarments. Um, random? I know that they feel the need to assure us that there will be hot women er whatever in these kinds of movies, because apparently that's what the boys like. But seriously, this is what they choose? This cut of it is not nearly as disturbing to me as the one I keep seeing on TV that shows a shot of him under the bed, then her lower half as he stares at her while she slips off her skirt to reveal her tighty whitey looking panties. Um, is this peeping tom moment supposed to be sexy? And it's so fast you almost don't realize how skeeved out you should be. I'm sure it'll turn out it's one of those wacky moments where he gets backed into a corner and HAS to hide, and can't do a thing about it. Good call, script writers. I'm sure it moved the plot along fabulously.
I've noticed this trend lately. On TV, in movies, and on commercials, I've seen more and more moments where you realize that the camera either started on a woman's chest at the beginning of the scene and then panned up for the dialogue, or did the whole body scan before their discussion about courtroom ethics. What is that? I mean, I expect it in the beer commercials, and on TV shows that are meant to reach a certain young male demographic. But it seems to be the new technique out there.
Someone, please take the camera away from the dirty boy.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Exceptional Acts of a Three Year Old
When he arrived at my abode, his three year old toy radar went up and he quickly located pretty much every toy in my apartment within five minutes. As he left, his mother told him to pick up his toys.
The fruits of his labors:
Because, you see, as everyone knows, toys go in the baskets. That's what Little Man has at home, so when he picks up toys they all go in the baskets. I happened to have a basket I brought home from the office with all my little knick knacks in it, which he apparently has declared my toy basket. I'm not certain Fozzy is comfortable with this new arrangment.