I am a Camp Fire-aholic. You thought YouTube was bad? Oh, no. I dreamt about Camp Fire last night (it had to do with picketing and cake, that's all I'm saying for now). I sometimes chat with my former coworker at one in the morning online and say things like "make sure to contact (volunteer) because I was helping her with (issue) and she might panic when she hears I got laid off." I am that freakish. My point is this: My name is Holliberry and I am a volunteer for Camp Fire. They should have groups for this. Actually come to think of it, they do. And I used to staff their meetings. But I digress.
When I was
mind was my little teenagers. They are like baby chickens that were about to leave the nest. They had learned how to tweet, and even how to feed themselves, and, okay, they could do things without me, but they were fluffy and sweet and they had these little beaks that...
Um... what was I talking about? Oh, Camp Fire. Anyways, I realized that the High School kids that I worked with only met on a monthly basis. Once a month. And that's only during the school year. So I could totally do that, right? Yes! I could! So, while I still tear up from time to time over my chicks (I believe the term "chickens" is copyrighted by Dizzle, so note the quaint shortening of the term), I mean teenagers, I at least am consolable, because I get to see them!
So at my last meeting, which was my first meeting as a Volunteer Advisor, versus a paid advisor, a few of my girls presented me with the softest, most fluffiest, most nicest blanket. That had Kermit on it. Because they love me too. They were so excited to present it to me, and I just HAPPENED to be wearing my newest Kermit shirt from Disney world, being that I am a volunteer now, and didn't have to be dressed all professional-like, and could wear a comfy t-shirt and jeans.
I know that you are jealous. I know that you wish YOU had sweet teenagers who would make you things like Kermit blankets (not to mention windows!). I guess you will just have to start volunteering.
P.S. The thing that fills my heart with glee about this post? That possibly the formatting will drive K nuts, because it's a little wonky, and her yearbook editor's eye will see the flaws. That's whatcha get when ya mock the YouTube, missy. Also, the title. What? It's supposed to make sense? It does. IN MY MIND.
Sometimes, when they're REALLY great, they're my Love Chickens. And some of my adult volunteers (Not necessarily grown ups...) started to call themselves Chicken Strips... Oh to be a Camp Fire a-holic. Why do I talk to you at 1 a.m. about Camp Fire again? Is it at all ironic that my word that I need to approve this comment is "dunce?"
Who knew teenagers could be that sweet? What an awesome blanket!
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