Monday, October 25, 2010

I'm Moving.

It's true, I'm moving. I'm very excited about where I am moving to. I'm not telling you on here, though. It's a secret. Unless you are my MyFace friend, in which case it's not a secret to you or 201 other people (crazy, right?? I had no intention of letting it get so out of control). But I considered the important things in planning this move:

1. Is it closer to work, thereby saving me time, money and I'm sure other things? Yes.
2. Is it close (within walking distance even) to grocery stores, restaurants, a park, my church building, and other important things? Yes.
3. Does it increase the amount of time it would take me to go see Big Sis, Little Man, Little Brother, and Sweet Pea (hereby dubbed)? No. That was key.
4. Does it skeeve me out to be in the apartment, neighborhood, etc? No. Score.
5. Is there an in-unit washer/dryer? No. Dangit. I guess there had to be some kind of downer here.
6. Am I close to friends? Yes. Score. Although few of you are going to need to move further north to accommodate me. Or West, as the case may be. A-HEM. *cough*Alice*cough*

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