Saturday, March 17, 2012

Important Issues on the News.

I like to ponder the deep things in life. Like this:

Really, I've been thinking hard on this. My thoughts include:

1. What *exactly* is in that video. Her description is odd. What are the girls doing? What was the context? They make it sound like NC-17 stuff.
2. The Police? Really? People are demanding criminal charges? I mean, yeah, the teacher is stupid. Don't show videos you have not reviewed yet, dork. Don't let students YouTube things in class. Duh. But should he be jailed for dumb?
3. Why, when I googled this to see if there was more information out there, was the other thing I found on this high school that some brilliant policeman maced some Tongans for doing a Haka at the end of a High School football game? (warning: watching this video might possibly cause puking or just seizures. Don't watch too hard. But you'll get the idea.)

Way to be culturally competent dude. Six dudes doing a Haka does not equal a riot. Simmer down. Okay, this article says it was fifteen men and boys(seriously wondering based on the video if they suck at counting...) but really, this is silly. The police should take some responsibility and admit they might have used a better method for crowd control in this instance, right? The issue, supposedly, was that they were blocking the exit. So the police department could say, hey, we're gonna do some trainings on this, right?  Ummm, not so much. They said "hey, these folks coulda been starting a riot. We didn't know! We never seen a Haka" Are you kidding me? They took a look at a group of Polynesian men moving in unison and chanting in their native tongue, and it looked like a riot? They got some smarts out there in Roosevelt, UT! But, you know, they waited 17 seconds after ordering the men to "make a hole" to allow people out of the stadium. I am STUNNED that the judge thought the officer was justified in thinking he was in "immediate threat to danger."

Moving on from tangent...

4. (remember, I was making a list up there ^^) The mascot for Union High School is the Cougar. (I discovered this in the article about the Haka "riot."). Really, good people of Roosevelt, shouldn't you also be protesting this, along with the obscene Tosh.o clip? Because, as you know, Cougars are just not appropriate. 

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