Thursday, July 31, 2014

Who is Winning at Politics?

Lately I've been pondering all the posts on Facebook from my friends who feel very strongly that their political view is The Right political view. I have super liberal friends and super conservative friends. I personally find little joy in discussing politics, and try to avoid sharing my opinion on Facebook, because I am not interested in arguing about it or influencing others. The one exception, from time to time, is things that have to do with the poor, mentally ill, or social justice issues (like blatant racism). To me, those posts I do make are less about politics and more about trying to be a good human being and to explore and learn more about social issues. 

I'm not saying that people who post about their political beliefs are doing something wrong. Many of my friends who post are actually passionate about politics. A continued interest in what is going on with our government is healthy for us as voters. I have been trying more the last few years to be better informed. The phenomenon on Facebook that fascinates me are the posts I see that are SO slanted to the right or left it seems a little questionable to me that a person could actually wholly believe it. These posts seem to have the same fervor and fanaticism engrained in them as the feverish pitch we were seeing in posts about the Seahawks at the beginning of the year. Posts that seem to say "my team is the best and we will stomp you."  

I am not saying which way I lean. You can probably guess and about a third of you would be right. I don't understand this frenzied the other side is evil message I see from both sides. I know really good people on both ends of the spectrum. I don't understand this need to prove absolute rightness, to the detriment of any kind of discussion where ideas can be exchanged and weighed on their own merit and not just on which platform they fit into. My wish for our country is that we rediscover thoughtful, intelligent debate and deep examination of issues. It baffles me to see both of the two major parties seemingly folding their arms and stomping their feet and saying the only way to play is their way. You are not all eight, politicians. I would like to see a congress of adults trying to do important work instead of getting so mired in blocking the other side from doing anything. The whole thing seems to be perpetuated by a sick and dying media. It would be nice if we still had serious news outlets who reported news based on more than what will get the most clicks. I'm tired of seeing Miley in the headlines of the most prominent news outlets. I'm tired of a congress who never stops campaigning long enough to legislate. I want to live in a Weat Wing kind of world where people in both parties feel morally obligated to get things done, instead of people from both parties spending all their time trying to win some morality competition through grandstanding and finger pointing, not to mention gross exaggeration. And, more simply, I would like to stop seeing posts claiming that Michelle Obama is a man or that every religious person is a bigot. What do those posts accomplish?  They're not as funny as you think. 

Monday, July 21, 2014

Gone Fishin'

Me and my fella went fishing.
And by that I mean he fished and I read my Kindle. Book club book. The Giver. Review to follow. 

Sunday, July 13, 2014


This weekend I briefly escaped the city and went camping up in the mountains near North Bend. I took several lovely dunks in the freezing cold river. I have a sunburn now. And bug bites. Why must they always bite my face?  

I saw flowers. 
And other flowers. 
And naturally there was a remote control truck off-roading. 
And we cooked chicken with roasting forks (cause we forgot the thing we were going to use). 

I think the sun killed my writing brain. I feel like I'm writing with the aggravating lack of depth or interest found in Eragon. Which I hated. Good basic plot. Horrible writing. That concludes my book review. 

Sunday, July 6, 2014

The Bright Side of Life

I have been struggling to find the bright side of life recently. This is mostly due to my continued state of unemployment. I am fairly weary of trying to figure out what I'm supposed to be learning from this and being told things like Everything happens for a reason and Something is meant to come along for me. I would be quite happy if Something would ACTUALLY come along. That would be awesome. I've had many interviews and am typically told they are very impressed, I am very qualified, and that I was one of their final candidates. Which is great to hear. But not as great as something along the lines of "you're hired."  I would like to hear that. 

It's been over six months. And you know that unemployment extension congress refused to approve?  You now know someone who doesn't know how she will pay rent in future because of it. So thanks childish politicians intent on making the other party wrong by refusing to work together.  I'm not voting for any of you again. 

Having gotten that little vent out,  I shall continue to believe my job is super close to being, well, my job. 

Also I now have Always Look on the Bright Side of Life in my head. So that helps. 

Wednesday, July 2, 2014


It has been HOT here in Seattle. And by hot I mean exceeding 75. We are not equipped to handle this. And by we I mean me. Really, I've been thankful my current abode has not gotten as hot as it could have. Also I love my fan. And views like this. 
And this. 
And this. 
We try not to tell people it is so beautiful here so please don't share this post. 

Also I'm sure it will rain on the fourth because that's how we celebrate America in Seattle.