Sunday, January 18, 2009

Back in the World!

I am happy to report that K and I are now officially on the internet FOR REALS now. And by for reals, I mean that we are no longer borrowing internet, and are now the proud owners of a pretty blue router that sends shiney new signals of our very own straight to our purring, content computers. Also, there is a very limited amount of cable being transmitted to our tv's, which is perhaps not quite as exciting for K as it is for me, but she can't say she didn't enjoy an hour or two of mindless television today.

So this sparkly signal full of rainbows and delight means that the gaps where I was not posting because the darn borrowed signal was not working are hopefully all behind us. Mind you, this also means I can't blame the internet, and my lack of posts will possibly point towards the fact that I am, in fact, a big slacker. But I'm sure I will find a plethera of new excuses to fill the void.

P.S. You only have a day left to vote on my poll and I'm fairly certain I have at least THREE friends who read my blog. Come on, people.

1 comment:

JandS Morgan said...

Hee hee, I use an RSS reader so I don't usually visit the actual blogsite, but since you reminded me, I voted :)