Monday, January 19, 2009

Make It Stop

I'm really looking forward to Inauguration Day. Actually, let me rephrase that. I'm really looking forward to the day after Inauguration Day. I can't take it anymore. Being that I just finally got cable back after MONTHS of deprivation, I thought I would at least be able to find SOME TV goodness. Turns out they cancelled goodness this week to make room for repetitive crap. I get that people are excited for the inauguration. I get that it's historic, and that for much of the country, it symbolizes a huge step toward being a Culturally Competent (nonprofit lingo) country. But seriously, do we need to analyze how grandma moving into the white house will impact the country, and which dog the Obamas should get (which, why should they get a token dog. That's stupid), and what food goes well with inauguration day, and what Kathy Griffin thinks about inauguration day, and how some woman's stupid dog chewed up her ticket because she was dumb enough to leave it where the yippee dog could reach it? Seriously? Is this where our country is headed? I am trying to watch some mindless TV, people. How can I do that when you talk about it ALL WEEKEND? Also, apparently a certain network plans to have the "most coverage of the inauguration," and they are so proud of this they are bragging about it. Um, unnamed network, I will not watch you tomorrow. Because I just can't take it anymore.

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