Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Kermit's New 'Do

With extreme Seattle weather, Kermit* was feeling a little extreme himself.

Note the way Kermit's faux hawk elongates his head,
creating the appearance that he is slimmer and taller.

*Kermit resides on my car antenna. KJ brought him to me from disneyland- I think I've had him over a year now.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Best. Gift. Ever.

I got the best present for Christmas this year.

Apparently Little Man (who will be 3 in February and is, in my unbiased opinion, the brightest little boy in the world -except maybe Little Brother, who has already demonstrated his incredible wit by peeing on Auntie A twice in one day, and smiling unabashedly the second time) felt very strongly that he needed to get it for me. Talk about a thoughtful gift.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

The Thing about MyFace

I would just like to point out that just because you have most of your stuff set to private on MyFace, if your friends are not setting things to private, people can totally stalk you. Your interactions with that person are like delicious little clues.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

The Big Snow '08: Adventures in a Marshmallow World.

There have been rumors in this area that we might actually have a blizzard. I think, if rumors serve me correctly, it will not actually touch my specific area, but more up in the foothills. But since I haven't actually been watching the local news or reading about it, I'm just going on what I hear. So apparently there really MIGHT be a big snow. But I like to think that the snow we have already is large in spirit.

Today K, MommaK (K's mom), and I went on a little jaunt up north to my favorite shopping area, and I can now say that I have been shopping up there, although there was not much actual shopping done. There was much sitting, however. Also, MommaK did a little ice skating performance in the parking lot of one shop we actually made it into. We sat in our car in the very slow traffic and waited for someone to move, and probably spent at least half an hour traveling the four blocks to the freeway entrance. The slow traffic was partially attributable to the popularity of this area for Christmas shopping. It was also partially attributable to some stupid people and some cautious people trying not to crash into each other on the thick layer of compacted snow and black ice on the roads. Because snow in this area basically changes roads and freeways into a huge bumper car arena. As we waited our turn to get through a light, we heard sirens.

There was a police car driving in the opposite direction as us, and instead of ten billion cars going our direction towards the freeway entrance, he only had to get around 10 cars, not going towards the freeway, which apparently contained stupid people. He was having a hard time getting around the cars, and all of the sudden we hear the officer in the police car on the loudspeaker. K unrolled her window to see who was getting yelled at, and we heard the patient officer say "Move to the right. TO THE RIGHT." and then, singsong "To the right, right, right." I kind of expected him to jump out of his car and break into dance. The car moved over, and he was able to pass. He's my favorite cop now.

A Brief History of our Holidays

Recent discussion
K: Remind me what month you're going to Florida?
H: President's Day weekend.
K: What month is that?
H: President's Day weekend month...
K: And what month is that?
H: February...
K: I thought that was Martin Luther King month...
H: No, that's January.
K: But February is Black History Month, I know that
H: No, that's January.
K: Are you sure?
H: Nyyyooooo.

*This conversation was brought to you by the public education system. Also lack of sleep.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

The Big Snow of '08

Finally, the snow has arrived! Today we have what I shall forever call The Big Snow of 08. Two or three inches, at least. Last night it started snowing sometime around midnight, and K and I were very excited! We sat in the dark at the window and watched the snowflakes come down, with our Christmas music playing in the background. It was very festive. Then we saw this man walking up the hill at the entrance in front of our aparment.

And then we saw him come back down.At first, he didn't make it very far, because the snow was still pretty thin on the hill. We could see him kicking his little feet to try to get further. But after a while he really did well. He almost gave up half way through, but K felt that she needed to cheer him on, and so she opened our window, and, I'm sure to the delight of our neighbors, yelled as quietly as possible "don't give up!" And so he turned around and kept going for a while. He and K had a little exchange, and we learned that he was "getting it ready for his kid." (To which K said "no you're not!"
The next day we did see a family out with the same tube, but not dad.

It's so fun, because our apartment is situated right by the entrance of the complex, and there is a big hill at the entryway. The staff will cone it off when it gets too icey so that people won't try to drive on it (black ice is bad), and the kids will all bring their sleds or plastic bags or what have you, and sled down the hill. It's fun to watch.
I just wanted to make sure that you are aware that I could be walking in a winter wonderland right now. Not that I am. But I totally could be.

The good news is I have lots of cocoa mix. I had some last night while K and I sat in the dark, listening to Christmas music and cheering on sledding man.

Look, It's Richard!

Merry Christmas :)

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

I have a confession to make...

So, my very nice friend who also has a blog recently posted a survey, asking "What is Your Favorite Part of Christmas." The choices are:

1. the Christmas Spirit
2. Gifts
3. Christmas music
4. Christmas decorations
5. A little of everything
6. None of the above.

What would you pick? I happened upon this survey soon after it had been posted, and was delighted to see that I was the first to vote. You see where the temptation lies, don't you? Okay, maybe you are not a trouble maker like me and you would not antagonize your dear, sweet, (did I mentioned forgiving :) ) friend....

I picked gifts. That first vote was last week. The poll still has a few days to go, and I'm sure she is too polite to post a WHAT?!? HOW GREEDY ARE YOU??? post about that first vote, but now she can rest assured that it was just me. And I am greedy. But I also like the decorations, the food, the music, and the religious stuff. I just can't seem to restrict my trouble-making to church meetings.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Exercising Experts Agree

It's important to work off those turkey pounds on Thanksgiving. Note the technique.

As Little Man demonstrates here, be sure to fully extend your legs and arms, arching the back ever so slightly. Next, step up onto the other step of the elyptical, and repeat the extension exercise. After dismount, it's time for pie.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Blogger's Block.

I have blogger's block. What should I write about?

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Never Throw Things At Me. Just Trust Me.

People should be careful about making me play those bonding games. You know, like the one where you hold a ball of yarn, and toss it around the circle at each other, retaining your piece of string, and when it's your turn you say something deep and meaningful. Generally this is The Friendship Web. But this Sunday, the woman's group at my church played it, and we were Knitting Together with Love. You know, like in the Bible. This was a lovely idea. The ball was tossed to and fro, and as each participant caught (or retrieved, in some cases) the ball of yarn, they were asked a question which was supposed to give us a glimpse into their soul and help us to love them like a sister.

Problem. I was very crabby. Sleep-deprived, due to not going to bed until the wee hours the night before in order to maximize my movie watching time, and crabby. So some poor unsuspecting person threw the ball to me. The question? "Are you a crier?" Answer? "No." But I couldn't leave it there. I went on to say that I didn't enjoy crying and couldn't understand why some women liked to have a "good cry." Also, I admitted I don't understand why people cry during Testimony Meeting* at church. At which point, a large gasp passed around the room.

Oh, I'm sorry, did you not mean for me to be that honest? We do seem to have quite a few criers amongst our congregation, come to think of it.

I've been thinking about our little knitted web o' delight ever since. My profession often leads me to participate in and even lead similar games. I had classes in college where we created binders full of such games. My boss has actually led us in a similar exercise several times, with great success. While it's never been my most favorite activity, I never cringed as much as I did when they pulled the ball of yarn out on Sunday. Upon reflection, I realized I have a little pearl of wisdom to share. And since I also know how irritating it is when people get all nit-picky about meetings/activities they did not plan (not that I ever have people do that to me...), I decided that instead of talking to the leaders of the activity, I would just post about it on my blog, all private-like. 'Cause I'm that kind of classy.

My pearl is this: these types of activities are meant to be trust-building exercises, and you are supposed to build upon the relationships already established. Since many of us had not established relationships, it was actually a dangerous game to play. Crazy people like me would say offensive things that those who do not know me would interpret as meaning I am a rude, rude person. Okay, that part might be true. But my point is this. You have to start with the simple questions (name, favorite color, what college you went to, how you react when balls of yarn are brought out), and build that rapport before you start asking the deep questions. Because I don't want to talk to strangers about my crying habits. Or what my hidden talents are. Or my most embarrassing moment. And I also am not going to tell you about a break-up, or what kind of man I want to marry. We're not all extroverts, people. That's actually not my idea of fun. Get to know your Crazies before you put the spotlight on them. That is my advise to you.

*Note: Once a month during our main church meeting on Sunday where we take the Sacrament, we have a Testimony Meeting where members can go up to the podium and share with the congregation their testimony, or their belief in Jesus Christ and the thoughts on their faith and what they know to be true. It can be a very uplifting and inspiring hour. And sometimes some member, usually a woman, will plow through a box of Kleenex during their testimony.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Thank You Very Much

At this time of year, Love of Our Fellow Man is a common theme. My mind is drawn at this time to the lovely sentiments expressed at this funeral:

This is Business, People

I'm having a nice, peaceful evening at my local internet cafe, complete with entertainment. And by entertainment I mean a large group of artsy people who have apparently formed a nonprofit* who are having a little run-in with their board, and they are having a little strategy meeting in response to some emails and yelling matches with board members. Because the board is being unreasonable. Oh, and also mean. Because "people can be so mean!"

They are using some highly techinical legal talk, like:

  • I would like to interject...
  • I think we should agree to be more communicative.
  • Dude, what's your damage
  • Katie will be holding the talking stick.
  • It's a dysfunctional family where we're the black sheep who no one's talking to but the middle brother. (totally deep analogy, if you ask me. They must have some tense Thanksgiving dinners. And what will they all do when grandpa dies? Imagine that will reading!)
  • Also, there was the requisite use of the Lord's name in vain. Because the inaccurate emails on the website are JUST that serious
  • Oh, shiz! (when did we start talking about Wicked?)
  • Not to negate that effort...
  • We never signed an agreement prior to the acquisition regarding the condition of the materials (in other words if the couch is ripped we aren't responsible)
  • Those internal paragraphs...
  • The language you have on the website is so inviting and so inspiring and so FABULOUS. (it does look fairly professional, I see. But I still don't want join.)

There is one token male** that has literally spoken once in the last hour. Poor guy. Somebody needs to buy him a treat or something. We've got a speech rate that is reminiscent of the Gilmore Girls (minus the witty conversation), and a mood level that indicates that these girls may in fact have similar monthly schedules, if you know what I mean.

Also, the word heresay has been pulled out. We're getting serious now, kids.

And finally, the key is that they are not offended by what they (the board) wrote. They are the reasonable ones.

When you are disturbing my internet cafe computer time, I blog about you. And also become slightly stalkerish (see notes below).

*Note: Be careful what you are talking about in public when potential stalkers could be present. They've said the name of their non-profit ten million times. I found their website. I know where they work now. I know who these mean, mean board members are. Could totally email them (that is, if the emails on the website are accurate.) The internet is a magical and scary place. Also, if I heard them use the word Collective one more time, I'm going to go over there and... take their talking stick away.
** Token Male went to BYU. The things you learn when people give too much information in an internet cafe where you can google them for more fodder for your blog.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Totally a Slacker

I got my first Christmas card today. Totally cute. Thanks KJ. :)

Yesterday I got my first Christmas letter, from Mr. B. Um, Mr B, I am fairly certain you did not tell me you were having a baby. Where did this baby come from? But cute letter.
What this all comes down to is that I am a slacker. I haven't even gathered all my addresses yet. I might be stripped of my title as Christmasaholic if this keeps up.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

i'm gonna live forever. I'm gonna learn how to fly.

So apparently according to a little online test i found, I'm going to live until the ripe old age of 81. And if I could get my hiney to the gym, I could add like 6 or 7 years to that. It's all due to my devout mormon lifestyle, I think. I don't drink, I don't smoke, what do I do?

I do not wear my shirt quite so stylishly, either.
*Note: Maybe it's that my standards are high for dancing, or maybe it's that choreography has become more important to current bands, but does this not seem like the silliest performance ever? The "vogue" girls drive me crazy. K could tell you what dance they could be doing to that music. It's so danceable and they all just sit there and pose. I got news for you, buddy. You do not look cool.