Saturday, December 20, 2008

The Big Snow '08: Adventures in a Marshmallow World.

There have been rumors in this area that we might actually have a blizzard. I think, if rumors serve me correctly, it will not actually touch my specific area, but more up in the foothills. But since I haven't actually been watching the local news or reading about it, I'm just going on what I hear. So apparently there really MIGHT be a big snow. But I like to think that the snow we have already is large in spirit.

Today K, MommaK (K's mom), and I went on a little jaunt up north to my favorite shopping area, and I can now say that I have been shopping up there, although there was not much actual shopping done. There was much sitting, however. Also, MommaK did a little ice skating performance in the parking lot of one shop we actually made it into. We sat in our car in the very slow traffic and waited for someone to move, and probably spent at least half an hour traveling the four blocks to the freeway entrance. The slow traffic was partially attributable to the popularity of this area for Christmas shopping. It was also partially attributable to some stupid people and some cautious people trying not to crash into each other on the thick layer of compacted snow and black ice on the roads. Because snow in this area basically changes roads and freeways into a huge bumper car arena. As we waited our turn to get through a light, we heard sirens.

There was a police car driving in the opposite direction as us, and instead of ten billion cars going our direction towards the freeway entrance, he only had to get around 10 cars, not going towards the freeway, which apparently contained stupid people. He was having a hard time getting around the cars, and all of the sudden we hear the officer in the police car on the loudspeaker. K unrolled her window to see who was getting yelled at, and we heard the patient officer say "Move to the right. TO THE RIGHT." and then, singsong "To the right, right, right." I kind of expected him to jump out of his car and break into dance. The car moved over, and he was able to pass. He's my favorite cop now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's an awesome story.