I have found a new hobby. Stopping junk mail. I have always had a deep and abiding hatred for junk mail. Or at least junk mail that does not come in the form of catalogs selling cute clothes or other fun things I can buy. Especially junk mail with forms asking for you to apply for things. Because everyone knows you are supposed to shred that kind of junk mail. Going to the lengths of shredding my junk mail takes way too much effort. It's exasperating. My momma taught me to shred anything that could get pulled out of my recycling and used to create a fraudulent account in my name. I am very diligent about not disposing of things with my personal information on them. And by dispose I mean pile up in my room until I have a ridiculous amount of paper piling up. Apparently I should have asked for a shredder for my birthday.
The parts that don't have your personal info on them could come in very handy, though. This idea would have come in handy a few months ago when K and I purchased our new salt and pepper shakers, and realized they had very small openings through which to deposit the salt and pepper. Even with this newfound knowledge, I have determined that I must renew my efforts to rid myself of junk mail. Why?
1. It creates clutter, in the form of large piles of things that I should shred, but can't because I don't own a shredder, so I have to take it to work or my parents in order to shred it real good.
2. It wastes my time. I don't want to open it, I don't want to shuffle through it to decide what to recycle and what to shred, and I don't want to reshuffle through it when I realize that I'm not sure if the pile I set aside is a shred pile or a recycle pile, or if I at some point mistakenly put shred stuff in with the recycle stuff.
3. All the trees are dying. I love me a good tree. They make things all naturey.
You know about this site, right?
Yes. That was one of the links in the link that I linked to. :)
You should contact your bank to see if they have a day when people can being their documents to be shredded. At our house we call it shredding day. You just collect your items to be shredded in a box (only looking at them to decide whether they should go in the box) and then when you have shredding day you take your box (or boxes if it's been a while) and dump it into the gigantic shredder. It's most excellent, convenient and awesome.
Oooh. Bank shredding? That's like a carnival. But with no rides. Or deep fried things. Or salespeople with head mics. But FREE stuff!
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