Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Misused Terms for 100, Alex.

People need to be educted on the correct use of the term "guilty pleasures." I hereby appoint myself to be your teacher. Yes, I'm talking to you. YOU. Right there.

(Brief intermission while I sing along with the Mini Sirloin Burgers commercial again... look at the tiny cows! They're so TINY!)

You see, class, guilty pleasures are things that you are a little bit embarrassed to admit you like, if you admit it at all. I just read the longest post (okay, I read the first sentence of the longest post and then navigated away in disgust) about the A Team being a guilty pleasure for uncounted masses. Um, I do not feel guilty. I embrace the A-Team. And I pity the fool who thinks there is need for shame.

Also, fetish. So many people say fetish when they really mean aversion. Example, if you don't like the sight of feet, don't want to touch them, and would like to lob everyone's off, you have an AVERSION to feet, not a foot fetish. A foot fetish is where you LIKE feet, want to touch them, and possibly lick them. Imagine what kind of random google hits my blog will get now.

Your assignment: Write a 200 word essay on what a guilty pleasure is, with examples. I want it on my desk by tomorrow.

Class dismissed.


Stephanie said...

I used to say foot fetish when I meant aversion, probably from hearing so many people use it the wrong way. Then, somebody enlightened me and since then I've noticed a lot of people use it incorrectly. Hopefully others will be enlightened by you as I was enlightened by a friend years ago.

And, you almost make me want to go watch some A-Team episodes.

Happy Camper said...

They totally have A-Team episodes online at under their watch video tab. Yay for NBC!

Dizzle. said...

Actually, I think a fetish is really when you're unable to come to sexual fulfillment or maybe even feel sexual desire without that thing. So a foot fetish would require you to see a foot to "get off." That's what Dr. Drew told me, anyways.

Happy Camper said...

Okay, yeah, fine, if you want to get all technical. :p

Stephanie said...

A fetish can be that the object is necessary for gratification sexually, but it can also be something that you are in awe in, spiritually pulled to, think has magical powers, or are fixated with; not sexually. So, you are both right.