Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Die, ER, Die

If I have to see one more commercial for a Very Special ER I'm going to have to write a very stern letter to someone. Seriously? I don't care if all the doctors are coming back. It's only made more sappy by the fact that at least one of them DIED and he still came back. Apparently it wasn't a very serious Fatal Cancer. And, no, I don't want to know how they got around that.


kerensa said...

have you no heart? it's ER! You'd watch if it was a very special Grey's!

Happy Camper said...

Because Grey's has not jumped the shark. And they've been having a Very Special ER for the last 3 months.

kerensa said...

have you noticed that nobody really tracks shark jumping anymore? nasty tv guide bought the site and took all the fun away. it's a conspiracy with the networks, i'm sure.

Jenna L said...

I'm of the opinion that the "true" shark jumping moment can only be determined after a series has concluded.

However a personal shark jumping moment can be determined at anytime. So for me ER jumped the shark shortly after Doug/Carol left. I watched a bit after that but eventually I drifted away because I got bored.

But I did watch the finale. I enjoyed it. Of course some of the big moments weren't big to me because I didn't know who the people were.

Happy Camper said...

Kind of like I have no clue who doug is. I have a vague recollection that there was a Carol. For me it jumped the shark when they had to make Carter all edgey. If not then, it would definitely have jumped the shark when they brought back the doctor who DIED many years ago. From a very fatal disease. With no loopholes. I'm sorry, there is no way they can bring him back and not have it be stupid.

Jenna L said...

Actually there was a way, and it was kind of awesome. And yes he's still dead. They brought the character back but not in a way that undid the dying part. I know you don't care how but I'll just say one word: flashback.

Happy Camper said...

One word: blech.