Monday, March 2, 2009

I Will Heal, But There Will Be Scars.

This weekend I had a very traumatic experience. I would like for us all to take a moment in silence to observe the passing of... my phone. It kicked the bucket. Or it halfway did at least. I can half see who is calling. I cannot, however, see my texts, and this is tragic. Especially since some of my friends do not realize that their phone has a secondary purpose, after texting. You can talk into those things, kids! Even my mother texts me now.

I am feeling very very poor right now, so the first thing that happened when i crushed my phone was that I wanted to cry. I didn't quite cry, but I thought about it. I believe I may have gone through all the stages of grief. Let's see...

1. Denial: Maybe if I turn it off and let it rest for a while the screen will just heal.

2. Anger: Stupid phone. How can they not make a phone that can withstand a little bit of abuse? I paid enough money for it it shouldn't break this easy. Stupid T cell phone company.

3. Bargaining: Maybe I can return it. Even though I'm the one who damaged it. Now where is that receipt...

4. Depression: I'll never talk to my friends again. Phones are expensive. I'm so sad.

5. Acceptance: Fine, I'll go buy a cheap one. Which I hate. Until I find that it has some cute ringtones. And I am learning all kinds of helpful things from the manual. Like how to hold it up to your ear. I never knew that before. Also, "do not drop, knock, or shake the device. Rough handling can break internal circuit boards and fine mechanics."

Now they tell me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good idea to leave out the details on exactly HOW the phone was "dropped, kicked or shaken" ...or, smashed. Those instructions could be helpful afterall! :) So sad.