Monday, March 16, 2009

The Magical Online Cinematic World

I have declared this week technology week on my blog, or Why I Love the Internet. Today, we're talking about the joys of TV and movies on the Internet. I just cannot get over the wonder that is the Internet when it comes to the category of TV and Movie viewing online. Why, when I was a kid, we went to movies once in a while for a treat. When I got a little older, we had this thing called a VCR in our house. Now, I get movies in the mail! And I can stream them online. This totally multiplies the opportunities I have to watch movies about many topics, which can sometimes even be educational or mind-opening. It also gives me more choices when trying to select movies and TV shows to watch that match my moral standards. For instance, I can watch old seasons of Law and Order: SVU online through my DVD service. This came in very handy that one time when I was lying on my death bed. Also, I never would have found out that 1-800-Missing, based on Meg Cabot's book series which I enjoyed immensely, sucks. I would never have been able to pinpoint exactly which season Dead Zone started to suck. I would never have learned the true state of affairs in the french revolution, as so accurately displayed in The Scarlet Pimpernel. Lastly, I would not have been able to feed my obsession for my husband, Colin Firth, by finding lesser known movies he was in and watching them. Such gems as The Last Legion, The Importance of Being Earnest, The Accidental Husband, and When Did You Last See Your Father.

When I was a kid, you had to be home to watch your show, or hope they showed it in repeat. As I grew older, there were opportunities to record it on your special blank tape you bought for that purpose, which sometimes wore out, or ran out of room, or recorded over things you had not yet watched. And you could only record one show during that time period. Now, I can go online and watch almost any show I want, when I want. This is handy, since it's cheaper than getting one of those fancy shmancy machines that digitally records things (although those are also seriously cool and have their own benefits) and you can watch things at midnight if you don't get home till late. Since I have lots of night meetings, I generally miss most TV before 9:30. Given that I am a TVaholic, it would be tragic if I couldn't catch up on my shows. If you are not aware that the major networks have on demand opportunities to watch their shows online, you have been living a shallow and deprived life. There are also sites where you can watch clips and whole episodes of favorite TV shows. Did you know you can watch the A Team online? I pity the fool who misses out on that opportunity.

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