Thursday, June 11, 2009

For Crying Out Loud

One of my roommates in college always used to say,"for crying out loud!" Perhaps partially to keep memories of her close to me since she's dropped off the freaking map (not bitter...) I say it all the time now. Here's a list of the wierd things I say because of friends/roommates, and why you are all fired.

  • Okay, fine. (K- this is your fault and I've only recently started saying it.)

  • Swee-pea. (I blame this on one of my college friend's mothers. Whose name also starts with a K. Hey, I'm seeing a pattern here.

  • Your mom. (My sister, SusieQ)

  • Ghetto. (Also my sister SusieQ, and mostly uttered to antagonize my older nephew.)

  • Bummer- Actually, I don't know where I got that one. Maybe that's the one I'm trying to make stick in YOUR brain for the rest of your days. Or maybe it was IM.


Carlene said...

5:00 a.m.? Do you ever sleep?

Here's something I used to say because of a roommate, but haven't thought of in ages. "That is so ghetto."

Happy Camper said...

Ah, those were the days.