Sunday, June 21, 2009

That's It. Employers Have Gone 'Round the Bend.

The good news is that all the crazies making odd business decisions are giving me plenty of fodder for my blog. With that said, I have to ask, what on earth is going on? Did you hear about this? Basically one lovely city has started requiring all your web membership info (MyFace, personal websites, online groups you belong to, etc), including password, so they can nose into your life. So many thoughts tumbling through my head.

First, this has got to be a violation somehow of some law that employers should be following. If it's not, it should be. They have no right to look in my personal accounts. If they can't find me using the handy, dandy cyber-stalking tools I've already told you about, then I say it's none of their business. If you are worried about character, check their references, call former employers, and do a background check. Novel concept. Having interviewed hundreds of volunteers, you can general identify the crazies right off the bat. And if they slip through, you have policies in place to catch the weirdness or prevent it.

Second, how do they know if you gave them all the info? if your settings are all to private on everything, and there are no real identifying features of where an account holder lives, it could be someone else with a similar name. So how do they know if you handed everything over? I personally might be hard-pressed to argue that if I attached both my names, but that's part of the reason I don't. I don't WANT to be found by certain people. Like crazies and potential employers. It's not because I do crazy things, or say inappropriate things, or have anything to hide. It's because I like to have a private life. My last boss knew I had a blog and could have cared less, since she has an aversion to all things computer-related. But she also knew I wasn't writing things that she needed to be concerned about.

Third, these people are idiots. And I'm glad I don't live there. And if this becomes a thing, someone better darn well sue and take it to the supreme court if they have to. I'm not okay with this.


Anonymous said...

Yeah - stupid. I'm sure that everyone with incriminating information on their pages will JUMP at the chance to share that info. Kinda like "asking" those possessing guns illegally to "please register them". "Well shoot (no pun intended), now that you mention it, I'll get that registered right away!" But that's another topic.... What's next - letting them tap your phone to find out if you would be a "good employee"??? Dumb.

Carlene said...

That is so strange! Who in the world would give out their user names and passwords??